
September 5th, 2016




Labor Day...I suppose I should take the day off. The store's going to be closed but I still have things to work on. What to do? What to do?

This silly...illness won't stop me, either. Or so I hope...

Just gotta keep busy.

((Notice: This would have been posted on Sunday, late morning.))




I guess my next move is inviting all of my brother and sister's friends to the cabin just to see Mike. I don't really know him, but I"m already tired of dreaming about him. So tired. I mean, everyone came, so I don't know? I'm assuming it was because of Josh and Beth. Who knows?

In non-dream news, I have not missed the homework, but I have missed the field assignments, so I'm not really too upset about being in school again. Plus the number of highlighters and sticky note page markers is helping. I might have spent a little too much time writing out notes carefully last night. I had notes, but they let us record lectures, so I had to fill things in and it's easier to re-write than try to figure out writing notes around the notes you've already written.




I guess if I'm going to start dreaming of a new version of me where I become a doctor and geneticist, then this weekend was as good a time as any.




How strange that everybody seems to have gotten ill? I wonder if they all ate or drank at the same place or something. I hope they work it out, it sounds awful.




The illness that's been going around seems to have missed my house, which I'm grateful for. Lily starts first grade in the morning, and I'd hate for her to miss that experience due to illness. But I do hope everyone is back to full health soon, I know this has to be miserable.

But if you want something to cheer you up.....

Meet Yoshi )




Is it inappropriate to buy your werewolf boyfriend this shirt?

Click for image

Personally, I think it suits Derek. :P




I am physically almost 100 percent again. There are a few scars, but our runes really did the job. Thanks everyone.

I have another modeling gig for the winter catalog this weekend.




Woke up this morning to find my Camp Half-Blood t-shirt on my desk chair. I'll admit, I was kind of really excited about that. I had to wear it today of course. It's still kind of crazy, the whole things just showing up thing, but I could kind of get used to it, depending on what it is.