
September 4th, 2016




My body hates me today. Ugghhhhh hungover.





Thought I dreamt enough about Wilson Fisk my last round of dreams dreams, now the bastard shows up again. I guess it's sorta funny, though. This whole thing is different than that set, but there's a lot of shit that feels real damn similar.

Wouldn't even be here if it wasn't for the Devil.




Maybe I need to get out of the sun today. Working too hard, or something maybe.




A lot of the staff at my research department were feeling under the weather, so I sent them home.




whatever this is, i am so over it. i have a crime scene to photograph and i'm pretty sure i'm on fire from the inside. this is so not a hangover. i know what that feels like.




I'm finally starting to feel human again. Whatever's going through the county right now is apparently from my dreams. My bad.

The bad news is it's contagious so maybe if someone starts bleeding from the eyes you shouldn't touch them. The good news is, if my dreams are anything to go by, it should pass in a day or two. And hey, only like, four people in my dreams bit it so there's that.




I have managed to make it through my day, and have already preemptively taken a sick day tomorrow cause dang, I feel awful. So it's warm blankets, couch and Netflix for me until this fever or whatever it is passes.