
July 6th, 2016




I have to say that repeat dreams of your own death is enough to drive anyone to drink. But I think I'm going to use this as motivation to learn a new magical skillset. If my boyfriend, dream husband, and the asshole can become animagi (a shapeshifter) then I can do. It's also the perfect time because school is out so I need something to do.

Let's just hope that my animal form is something cool and not something lame.




Damn, this place kind of makes for interesting stories to tell the kids later, doesn't it? Like how my girlfriend went into labor during Monster Madness, and my nearly-thirteen-year-old son proved he's a crack shot with a BB gun, when he took out flying monkeys on the way to the hospital.

But all's well that ended well. Emma gave birth to our second son, Nikolas Liam Nolan Cassidy, a patriotic nine pound baby, on the 4th of July. Every bit of his name has a story behind it, and hopefully he won't hate us later for giving him two middle names. He was a little past due so I guess he decided to make his entrance really memorable. Both are doing well though, up for visitors at the hospital, and Nikolas should be able to come home with us in a day or two.




Yeah, so after I went to Siberia to try to get my friend back from the dead, I discover I fucked over the Amazon tribe there, back when I was all evil like. So I had to fix that, since guilt, you know. Got all those wrongs I gotta right.

Turned out she wasn't actually dead. Found her back home, got killed by her demonic grandchild, got better. Then we wound up in India where some more crap from my past got kicked up.

Take it from me kids, going evil early on just causes you all kinda problems when you try to go legit. I can't wait to see if the little shindig with Odin comes back to bite me on the ass too.

Dream me ain't proud of some of the things she's done. She'll probably be trying to make up for it the rest of her life.




I don't know about most of you, but I know that after all that happened, I need a break from this place. I wish that Agron was still here

So, I have made the plan to take a trip to Brazil. Will probably visit my parents, even if we rarely get along.

The store will be left in charge to one of my managers so it will stay open, in my absence. Going to take a week, spend it relaxing in a place where weird shit doesn't happen.

I leave tomorrow, afternoon.




Mortals People are constantly surprising. Ruby (one of the magician's that freed me) used all of her magic to keep Apophis trapped, which...well, when you stretch yourself so far, you'll die. She was a very brave woman. To willingly give so much of herself for me and the world. If Apophis were free, I can't imagine what would have happened. I don't think I want to.

So of course, given that so much was sacrificed for me, I couldn't really just leave. I suppose I could have, but I wouldn't. Apparently my cat belonged to Sadie Kane, the daughter of the magicians that freed me. She was also my host as I can take cat hosts. But the point is that I am meant to protect Sadie as a cat. As my cat. I would test whether or not I could have cat hosts here, but I don't want to get stuck.




Some days make up for bad weeks.




How does a hug nearly make someone pass out? There must be something wrong with me. How embarrassing.

I imagine this place won't ever stop surprising me.

How many people can say that they've been on a bus and attacked by furies? I bet not many people. Even better? Who can say that they've convinced their friends to behead Medusa before she turns you all to stone?

I bet not many of you. Don't worry, though. I can say that.




ooc: could lead to talking about torturing humans in the comments, so you know...be warned about that shit. DE stuff up in this joint. Also not sure if anyone is squeamish about brains/blood, but jic i did cut text, but it's not private )