
May 4th, 2016




If you're going to date two girls at once, make sure it's not two girls who could kick your ass if they found out. Other than Izzy and Maia finding out I was dating them both at the same time, things aren't going well aside from having moved in with the new guy in the band. After my mom kicked me out, I needed someplace to go and I was going to sleep in Eric's garage, but Kyle showed up and he suggested I stay with him cause he had an extra room. I then found out that he was actually a werewolf and had been sort of been appointed my guardian. Then, I wasn't been feeding well and on the day that Izzy and Maia found out about the dating thing, we had a show earlier and I was feeling sick cause of not feeding and I ended up biting this girl, Maureen, who was like our number one fan and obsessed with me. Kyle found us and said he'd take care of Maureen then that's when Maia showed up while Izzy was there and then it got worse when Kyle came back and we found out that his name is actually Jordan Kyle and he was Maia's ex boyfriend who had been abusive to her and she attacked him and Izzy had to stop her from killing him.

I knew something bad was going to happen with the whole dating two girls at once thing. It never ends well. I'm just glad I'm not that stupid in real life.

Speaking of gigs, we have in two weeks at [name of club].




Maker's breath...I need to use all my strength to not cast "Horror" on my customers whenever I am updating the mannequins. It's not a real human person but the way some of these guys watch...it's like the start of some awkward orgy-related porn film. Perhaps it was amusing the first few times, but now, these thirsty men need to go find a real man and stop ogling my work items. I worry that one morning I will get a call from the police saying that someone broke into the store.

Maybe I should just start changing the mannequins' clothes after we close...




It seems the university is going into lockdown so students and faculty can hopefully shelter themselves from the onslaught of these white armored mystery soldiers.

Well, here goes another excuse to don the Black Panther suit. Thankfully I've decided to take it with me wherever I go just in case something unusual like this occurs.

Any other super heroes going to practice their skill set today? You're more than welcome to join me if you're in the area.

(OOC: Pretend this was posted in the morning!)




There are Stormtroopers runnin' down the street in my neighborhood.






Well I had a weird dream last night. Not sure if it’s one of those dreams people get here, but I guess we’ll see. I was a skeleton - but not a human skeleton. A monster skeleton. Not a dead monster, they...dissolve, I guess, into dust. Just a skeleton. Making skele-puns. And all of us monsters lived underground, because we were banished there by the humans and sealed down there. Nothing could get out. Spoilers for Undertale, visible to all )





That's fascinating.




So, how do you think a bow and arrows would fare against a stormtrooper?




I just got shot at by some Stormtroopers as I was leaving the Register! I ducked behind a dumpster and they passed me, but uh... please tell me I'm not the only one seeing this.




Next time, Katherine, please feel free to just tell me that everything is going to shit. Maybe then I won't wake up hearing the screams long after the nightmare. Honestly, I knew we were hated, I didn't think we were hated enough that mass genocide would be endorsed.

In other news, I appear to have become my own best friend. And by that, I do mean compressed carbon. It looks like I have yet more excuses to make with work.




For all other literary nerds, today is the day that Alice fell down the rabbit hole and into Wonderland, in 1865. Happy Alice Day.




Oh look, an army trying to destroy the city. I like these odds.




I just heard a droid say 'Roger Roger' about an order on... I honestly have no idea.

At least I have a working TARDIS should it be necessary with this latest Orange County nonsense (John, I win)




Woooooow! There is a lot of crazy stuff going on right now. I am trying to avoid the scary dudes in the white armor, but my poor apartment might have gotten a few laser blasts to it.

However! There is one plus side. I saw this cute little droid wandering around outside my apartment and while I understand absolutely nothing that is coming out of her she won't leave me alone. I think I've made a new friend! I took a picture - it's behind the cut.
Cut to save Flist - viewable to everyone )




It appears that while the armour the stormtroopers wear is tough it also makes them rather clumsy. I froze the ground and it caused them to tumble over and lay there like turtles struggling to get up. It’s rather amusing.




Fuck Julius Caesar. The end he got was too good for him.

And fuck these dreams while we're at it. This whole place can go to hell.




First I wake up from a dream and my arm feels like it's on fire, which it's not. It's just that I suddenly have a tattoo I never asked for that I'm going to have to figure out how to explain to my parents.

Then there are people attacking everyone. I never thought I was going to need to fight someone with a large stick until today.

I'm also trying to find a way to make up an excuse for missing school because I don't think "I had to fight Storm Troopers with a stick today" is going to cut it.


Ugh, I hate when a guy acts like he's never seen another guy in a skirt with printed cats on it before. I LOOK GREAT, THANK YOU.




I'd planned a surprise for Tifa's birthday, but then instead I got to test out a gift from my dreams.



Filtered away from non-punctured SW characters

Okay Disney, I think you've taken the Star Wars experience thing a little too far this time.