
May 3rd, 2016




Possible unpopular opinion time. Kim K's ass looked like a disco ball at the Met Gala last night. I don't understand how anyone can think that looks good? Also, not a fan of Beyonce's latex dress. I know everyone else thinks they both slayed last night, but I'm not drinking the Kool-aid. I thought Claire Danes' dress was amazing though! I mean, it was a ball gown that lit up! now that is slaying!




That awkward moment when your engagement ring from the dreams shows up, but you think your boyfriend is proposing.




OMG I just spilled a Venti sized frap all over the front seat of my car. :(

And I don't have time to get another one before class!! I might cry.




Oh ho, so who wants to get drunk? No, seriously. Hawke and I need taste testers for the specialty cocktails at the tavern we're opening soon - it's called the Hanged Man, and it's a tribute to the one from Kirkwall, which is the shitter of Thedas but if there was any amazing place to go get pissed as your life flushes down the toilet, it was definitely the Hanged Man. We've also designed drinks for our gang, the ones who are here and some who aren't.

Cut for length, viewable to all )

The location's in Anaheim, a quaint medieval-themed pub right near Disneyland. We'd so appreciate your help with letting us know how things taste! Cheers, loves.

PS, I definitely recommend Sparkly Balls and King Alistair. Champion's Cock goes smoothly down the throat as well.




Oh my!! Apparently in my dreams i broke Flounder and Sebastian out of jail and now daddy has sent out a search party to find me!!




You know... It's no fun when the police are trying to shoot at you for stopping a villain. On a side note I was able to protect my dad again, as well as defeat Vulture.

But now I have some douche named Det. Castle on my ass, who mind you unmasked me! But luckily enough the smoke around us didn't allow him to see my face.

Also that sexist comment of 'you're a girl' annoyed me so I had to get one good hit in before escaping.

Sorry Det. Castle.




okay so in the saga of my dreams we did a school dance and it was kinda cool I helped set it up with Weiss and it was pretty successful. I had to talk my battle team partner into going so i bribed her with the promise of a dance and the dance was real nice.

i really miss Blake and Weiss. and that dance with Blake was so nice...

after the dance we went on this field trip only it was kind of an excuse to search out this secret base. the same guys that had the mecha are planning something big and we gotta stop 'em. luckily the headmaster is on our side and sneakily got us on a scouting mission.

scouting missions are the kind where we go out and kill a lotta grim. only we ended up with the one professor hunter who constantly ODs on coffee but turns out he's actually a pretty good fighter?

he also got us all thinking about why we wanted to be hunters, what our motivation was to do it because its kind of a job you know?

i woke up after my sister went missing because of course that's when i'd wake up.




So I have decided to begin offering my tarot reading services at local ‘alternative’ shops around the OC, I have left leaflets around if anybody is interested.




[posted early morning]

So I had the same dream again. Well it wasn't exactly the same, but instead of me watching the other me's looking into the mirror, I was looking into the mirror and I saw all the different versions of myself. And I felt what can only be described as an awakening. That I wanted to study it. I wanted to know the why and how this was all possible.

And I woke up in the middle of the night and spent the rest of my time reading about multiple universes on the internet. Thank god for Google, right? Wrong... I've been reading about this all day.




It's nice to have a break from the spiders and the monsters, but it also is a little bit of deja vu. It feels like my dream is playing out something that I've already lived through. I know it's because of the spiders and monsters that I left home in my dream, but it still felt the same as when I was younger. It's a very strange feeling.

In other news, do boys honestly think that whistling at a girl is going to somehow attract that girl to them? You look ridiculous when you do that, and you should probably never do it again.





You know that finals are starting to get to people when you go in the elevator and find four girls sitting in the floor around a monopoly board and just staring at you because you're interrupting them in the one place they can forget about essays, tests, and everything else for just a little while. I'm sorry, I'll just use the stairs for awhile. And good luck to whichever one of you is playing as the dog piece.




S'mores frappuccinos are back! Time to add a half hour to my weekly workout. These things are so good but they're so bad for you. Sugar, fat... irresistible, though.




Wow. I just got yelled at today by a little kid because the tea shoppe doesn't offer pizza and his mother didn't intervene. It was weird.