
March 29th, 2016




I honestly do not remember how I found this place, but I thought it would be a good start in getting to meet people in the area. I'm Minato Namikaze, and I am new to the OC area but it seems like a pleasant place so far. So, are most of you natives or have you moved here from other places?




It has been really interesting to witness Easter here, it is not something we really do in Japan. I also cannot believe how much candy is now on offer. It is a sweet tooth dream or nightmare depending on how you look at it.




I wish I could still think that these dreams were the result of something I ate before bed. At least I didn't have to get up and go to work after it - it wasn't bad just unsettling. Morgana dreamt that some woman was a threat to Arthur's life and then we saw him ride out of Camelot with her. Why does he have to be in my dreams And of course Morgana decided that instead of talking to Uther about what she'd dreamt she would have to stop it from coming true herself.




It's no use.

I absolutely hate everything I write.

Luckily? I'm paid for appearances not my skills as a wordsmith. Thank God or I'd be a starving artist.




Is there a way to introduce yourself on this thing without sounding like a dating profile or some kind of addicts support group? Probably not.

I'm Buttercup. I think my sisters Blossom and Bubbles are on this thing too. And I guess now I am too so you all get the complete set!

Also I do not like piƱa coladas. Or getting caught in the rain.




Dreaming that I lived over a thousand years ago is..odd.




There are some really dumb people in the world, and as much as I enjoy going through failbook and stuff like that? It's so much better when Joe Santagato puts in his two cents. There should be an autocorrect for dumbness.

[ooc: video contains a lot of language, so nsfw]