
March 28th, 2016




Seems work and dreams have been taking over the past few days. I need fresh air.




I hope that everyone had a great Easter, if you happen to celebrate it and if not? Well, it's discount candy day again! In other news, I am not too fond of having a repeat of my dreams. At least I know how things turn out this time, and I'm not left wondering what's going to happen to us next. Still, it is not something that I want to deal with again.


Swimming on an unfortunately non-nude beach is not nearly as much fun as it is work. I will say the bikini babes almost make it worth it.





Um... Hello...




Seems every time I turn around some new crisis is happening or some new monster is trying to take a piece of me for itself. The only thing I know?

I've got a steady girl here with a steady job and a steadily growing business and I got a steady gun hand in case anyone or anything tries to mess with any of that.




I wish I could skip the death dream.




I spent the afternoon packing, and came to the realisation that I don't have much to pack. It's going to be an easy move down the hall in a few days. Almost feels like cheating somehow.




Hey, so my name is Percy. Percy Jackson and I'm new here. I found a link to this place on Tumblr and thought I'd check it out. Figured, what could it hurt, right? So is everyone here from Orange County? I mean, how do they know if you're here or in another country? Know what I mean?




So, anyone else go buy half priced Easter candy today? I couldn't resist. I was only going to check if the store had any Cadbury eggs left and I ended up buying more candy then I need. I am so weak when it comes to chocolate. But, I can always keep some in my desk at work and some in my apartment and maybe give some to my friends.




So I have recently been developing certain...mental abilities which I have no idea how to control. Is there anyone out there who might have some experience with this sort of thing?


How do you know who you can trust, when people can turn into ticking bombs, ready to go off and kill anyone who stands against them. I know it's not the fault of magic, but I can't simply ignore the things I saw in my dreams. I still see them, even when I'm awake.