
March 24th, 2016




Got a glimpse into my dream self's psyche. She was talking to her partner in crime, the man she's working with to assassinate Eldritch Palmer, the man who sold out New York City to the vampires. She said something that stuck with me. He told her that she needed to choose between Vasiliy and Nikki and she said "Letting go of one of them feels like cutting off one of my arms." Now, I personally think that Nikki is a limb I could live without, but that statement gives me an idea of what my state of mind is in the dreams. I'm truly in love with Nikki. It's not healthy, but it's the way things are.

In other news, Eldritch Palmer is heading to Midtown Manhattan and if all goes right my friend and I are going to put a bullet in him. This might seriously turn things around for the surviving humans. I'm ridiculously excited! I want to go back to sleep right now just to potentially dream another dream right fucking now and see what happens next.




[ooc: Haven't been able to post, so please backdate this to earlier today!]

Well, the cast list was posted! It seems all the practicing of faces paid off. I was cast as Alice! Needless to say, I am really pleased with myself. One of my friends was cast as the White Rabbit, too, so this'll be really fun. Harley, what do you say we have oysters to celebrate one of these days?




Hello everyone! My name is Adam. At least it is if I remember correctly, ha ha ha.

I am a friend of Victor Frankenstein's. Now that my recovery has reached a point where I am able to use the computer with some ease (though I do still have some questions about some of the applications and programs), Victor has encouraged me to join him on this Network. He says it is a good way for me to make new friends.

I am new here. I moved to live with Victor as his roommate, because he is my friend and asked me to. I was in an accident not very long ago and Victor is helping with my recovery. But I am doing very well! Still moving slowly, but at least I am moving.

I look forward to meeting all of you here.




After a few false starts, thanks weird weather and so on, my garden seems to be growing well. I'll take that as a good sign!




Well. I nearly set my house ablaze today. Having lightning unexpectedly come from one's fingertips tends to have an averse affect on flammable materials.




Has anyone else sat and considered the lyrics to Lady Gaga's songs? I was listening to her Born This Way album and I don't get half of what she is singing about!