
January 29th, 2016




I take it back about unpacking being a chore. Painting is worse. Way worse.

This is why I should've just rented an apartment.

Okay, a new co-worker told me about this place, so maybe one of you lot can help: what the hell is the difference between Marine Splash and Crystal Surprise, and who the hell names these paints?




Pride and Prejudice was first published on January 28th 1813 so it's been over two hundred years of enjoyment that book has brought.

I have to admit I am kind of looking forward to Pride and Prejudice and Zombies being released at the cinema, I'm not sure if that makes me a heathen or not?




Alright, perhaps I shall resign myself to accepting this dream nonsense as being more than nonsense. I had believed the first dream I had was little more than a strange commentary upon my life, twisted by my unconscious mind from that whole incident with the fog. Alas it seems it was not simply commentary but an actual dream of another life, as a second dream has confirmed.

I lived with my mother in a place known as the Korcari Wilds in a place called Ferelden. Apparently I am a mage as in this new dream, my powers manifested themselves, much to my mother's delight t'would seem. Her reaction to my powers was disquieting.