
January 7th, 2016




I was prepared, I really was. I knew that people started getting dreams, because Clara had told me, but it's different when you actually get them, isn't it? I spent four days trying to pretend they didn't exist, but they kept coming back.

Let's see if I can remember it. Giant head in a jar. Bitchy trampoline who used to be the last human. The Elf &mdahs; The Gelf. No! Gelth. That's it. Aliens who farted — and I'm not even going to try and pronounce that name. Harriet Jones. Daleks. I was gone for a whole year because the bloke I was traveling with missed the time frame, say it was 12 hours, but it was 12 months. My mum thought I was dead and that my boyfriend Mickey had done it since he was the last one to see me.

It's all here in my head, and it's not fading. You know how dreams fade after a few hours? It's not like that at all.




I got my battle rifle this morning. A little late for the gremlin infestation, but finally I got something fucking useful from these Dreams.




I will admit the timing was awful, but what can I say? I'd planned the move before I was injured on set. Such is life, I'm afraid. That's why I was not ashamed in the least to hire a moving company. Anyway, I was told of this little network from one of the guys helping move my stuff. Since I'm currently incapcitated, I figured I'd browse this place while supervising my things being unloaded.

Hello, then, I'm Deirdre.




I think Clair De Lune is one of my favorite songs ever. I just put Ben down for a nap and played it on the little cd player we keep in his nursery... he went straight to sleep. I was so relaxed I sat in the rocking chair and just listened the whole way through... it was beautiful.

I just wanted to share.




OF COURSE MY DREAMS START OUT WITH ME GETTING ROOFIED. I know roofies, I still feel kinda roofied, what the eff.

Also some underground fightclub about picking sides when it comes to these weirdo supernatural peeps, I don't know. But Bo Dennis, thanks for making sure that creep didn't get weird on me.

There goes my hopes for dreaming about being a mermaid or a unicorn, I guess. Or a Disney Princess. I would have made a boss ass Disney Princess.



filtered away from Booker

I finally found my father in my dreams. Or he found me. I don't think he knows, and the dream-me doesn't know either. This has made her internal monologue horrifically awkward. Good thing she's as good at flirting as I am

My only friend tried to keep me captive, I figured out what the cameos I got for Christmas mean, and I got a taste of good old Edwardian era racism. I feel dirty just thinking about it. I hope to God that there's nothing so horrific hiding in plain sight in the real world.

I feel lost. In the dreams I've seen so much violence, most of it aimed at or perpetrated by my father. I'm a little terrified of what he's capable of, and who he really is. We don't know each other well and so far we've been polite.

Is it wrong to sometimes miss the golden cage I was kept in? I know logically that I'm better off and happier now, but emotionally. . . the world has a lot of good, still. I can't let these dreams get the best of me.