
January 6th, 2016




Oh my gosh! My dreams can be so exciting and strange at the same time!

So... My mother left the tower and what happens not long after? A man climbs into my tower. But I am super handy with a frying pan and I take him out. I tied him up (with my hair, wat.) and figured out he wasn't after me and my special powers, so at least there's that. But of course I had a major crisis about it and discovered he had a crown in a satchel. Unfortunately, my mother decides to come back to the tower and I have to stuff him into the wardrobe, but at least I managed to not tell her about him because we once again have a fight about leaving the tower. So, I end up convincing her to go on a trip to get paints for my birthday and she reluctantly agrees, which allows me to bring the man back out of his wardrobe and interrogate him (Seriously, I am so handy with a frying pan).

I manage to convince him to make a deal with him that I'll set him free if he takes me to see the lights, which leads up to the best part. I FINALLY LEFT THE DAMN TOWER. Cue existential crisis about disobeying my mother, but so excited to be out of the tower. Flynn (the guy) decides to take me to this place called the Snuggly Duckling for lunch and imagine my surprise when we step inside and it's like a Vikings biker bar. There's a bit of a scuffle, but I manage to make the men stop and implore them to let Flynn live so he can take me to see the lanterns because it's my dream, and haven't they ever had a dream?

Cue a song. Yeah, seriously. It was hilarious. Unfortunately, a couple guards show up and we have to leave and that's where I was when I woke up. But now I have this song stuck in my head and it makes absolutely no sense outside of the dream.




Is it sad that I'm excited for school to start up? I've felt a little aimless without school since I got back, but now that'll be changing. I'm happy to have spent Christmas with my family this year since it was strange last year to spend it with my travel study group. But, I was able to force my boyfriend to put on a tie and properly meet my parents, so point in that department.

On the dream front, not a whole lot. I have to admit dreaming about wizard school is actually exciting and I'm a huge nerd for thinking that. I've been practicing what I've been learning in the classes with my wand and it seems to be working! I managed to levitate some objects the other day before accidentally sending the lamp zooming into the wall (oops). I did turn a match into a needle, but I'm a bit afraid of getting a mouse to turn into a matchbox.




I almost forgot what rain was like.

It's almost like living back in London. Hello El Nino, stop flooding the roads.




So, that just happened. I went to bed last night feeling normal, and woke up this morning feeling odd. At first I thought I was just getting sick, until I got to the coffee shop and tried to order coffee, only to have no one understand me. Turns out I was was suddenly speaking Russian.

I don't know Russian. Or I didn't anyway.




Now that my dreams are over I decided to take the PI exam to see how much information crossed over.

Turns out a lot. I didn't quite beat my dream score but I did get a ninety-three which is oddly the score my dad lied to me about getting when he took it.




Well apparently I'm engaged in the dreams... in the future. Or maybe it's the present? I'm not sure. Has anyone else dreamed two different time lines at once?




Dreamed I was lied to, my whole life. And then rejected, because of an accident of my birth. Raised an Angel, but not an Angel. Born of Asgard, but not Asgardian.

At least I got to beat on Thor again. That is always fun. He shouldn't worry, I wouldn't actually harm a child.


Hello brother.




I'm holding an event towards the end of the month for upcoming artists from local universities and colleges. I'll update everybody here but if you know anybody who would like to display their work please have them contact me.

And of course I look forward to welcoming anybody who wishes to come and offer their support.




It's official. I've got to get out of my apartment. I was hoping that I could hack it, but I'm running low enough on funds that I need to find a new place to life.

Anyone know of a safe, clean, cheap place that's available for rent?




It turns out scars and wounds can show up in your dreams. I should be out of the hospital in a couple of weeks, tops.




I want to thank everyone who made Christmas and New Year's a lovely time at the Need/Want. It was a wonderful time and everyone behaved! I impressed, usually I see more drunken idiots but not here.

I have a confession, my friend

I think... I think I am beginning to understand




Only two days into the quarter, and I'm already having a blast! But man... I might have to trim down my list of classes. Eight is a huge course load! Either that or I'll have to par down on my dog walking and other non-school related activities. Still interested in getting an internship at Arendelle Enterprises, though! I'm thinking Journalism is going to be the perfect minor to go with my Art History major!