
May 5th, 2015




Yesterday was my first day on the new movie set. It was mostly meeting with the designers to view the sketches for the characters. The actors are working on staging and training for the scenes, so we are practicing hair and makeup each other to get the look right before we get to work with them. It will be a fun week before the actual filming starts.

I love my job.




Oh dream me. Find a boy you like and then his girlfriend drops from the sky. The girlfriend he never told you about.

But you've got more important things to worry about. Like trying to get the space station to know you're al still alive.




Who's coming out with me tonight for Cinco De Mayo?




This is going to be a busy month. My daughter's birthday is the sixteenth, and she'll be nine years old already. I'm taking her and a couple of her friends to Disneyland for that weekend.

Then my parents are coming in around the twenty-fifth to stay for a couple weeks. I am only partly looking forward to that. One of my brothers also attempted to tag along, but I adamantly told him not to come, I don't have the room for him. Which isn't true, I could make room, but I simply don't want to spend three weeks with my antagonistic brother under my roof.

I only hope my home will pass my mother's standards. I really do not want to deal with listening to her complain for three weeks about things that don't matter. Or things that do matter

But first thing's first, getting birthday presents for my daughter. Which at times is easier said than done.




Today at lunch I went out to the park near the precinct and took a nap. Had one of those 'dream within a dream' dreams, and it took me a good five minutes once I woke up for real to be sure that I was actually awake. Fucking disorienting. By the way, did you guys know there used to be some sort of huge fucking deer kicking around in the past? And that a different species of animal goes extinct nearly every day? Because I sure as hell didn't know either of those things. Googled it when I woke up, and yep. I didn't think it was actually possible to learn new facts from my dreams. Must've learned about it in grade school or something.

In other news, does anyone know of any mechanics that are good with old, classic cars? My Stella is needing some work. Tried to look under the hood myself this weekend, but as good as I am with cars, I think this one's beyond my skills.




Okay. I need to fill my time. If I sit around my place any longer I'm going to crazy. Er. Crazier.

I hate job hunting. Dream me was on to something, becoming a drunk in Florida.




We rescheduled my next match for the end of the month. My opponent had some ... issues. How dreadful. I was looking forward to getting back in the ring sooner rather than later. I suppose it is alright, though, I can train a little more and relax a little more.

Darling I think we should do something nice for Irisa.




I need all my friends who want me to make wedding attire for them to come by Shoegasm so I can measure you. This means you: Ruby, Neal, Pepper, Tony. Am I missing anyone? Are there more engaged folk on here who want a custom bridal gown or tuxedo?

I do shoes, too. Boy, do I do shoes.




Interestellar! Amazing film, a bit off though. Missing a couple of key points, but it's fiction so it's fine. Still, fantastic bit of fun really. But now I'm out of fish fingers, need to get some of those.

Clara, I'm making you a meal tonight, you'll love it!




Finally my apartment does not seem so empty. I found myself a cat to keep me company, because I miss the ones I had to leave behind in Germany. His name is Fritz. If you would like to meet him, you can. We're very happy together.