
March 23rd, 2015




My shoes are selling well! Gosh, it's so freaking exciting! I'm absolutely thrilled! Thank you to everyone who's come by Shoegasm and purchased a pair of shoes by Rarity Designs!

I've been working on some designs for mens' shoes. I have a good friend who's getting married, and I wanted him to have something special and original for when he and his soon-to-be husband walk down the aisle. These are absolutely magnificent, if I do say so myself.

I may have found a new calling.




There's nothing more stressful than trying to wrangle seven teenage students into getting their work done before their show. I've got my own horse to bathe and braid, and they are just fooling around. Although the threat of not letting them attend has gotten a couple to get serious.

I swear I was never this disobedient as a child. okay, so I was worse. I stole anything not nailed down. . I suppose they're just lucky I don't run this place like I was back in the Army. They'd be cleaning tack with QTips.

How did my mother do this every day? God.




God, so many dreams last night. My head is swimming today. I don't even remember my own name.

I'm running late. I need a coffee.




"Feed a dog for three days and you get attached." I'm sure that could have been a thoughtful proverb if my dream!me didn't really butcher it.

I went through a cycle of the same dreams, over and over. First about a spell, then actual nightmares from the dream!self. Now there's a city I remember seeing destroyed resurrected with all its previously dead citizens in it. Also the diabolical little shit of a Hellmaster decided to possess Gourry, cover him in armor from head to toe, and then have us almost kill each other. And flare carrots, really?

Head, meet desk. I kind of preferred the dreams where I was stuck in a pink horse outfit for reasons.

This is why citizens of Orange County greet the morning with a cup of booze rather than a cup of joe most of the time.




I welcome Spring Break with .... dundundun ... dreams.

I did find out that vampire blood is not a cure for cancer. Now that I think about it, it doesn't cure diseases period. Damn, that sucks - vampire humor.

Anyway, here is a question. If you love someone, and they die, and you do the whole battle with grief thing, is it appropriate ANYWHERE to have your memories rearranged so that the survivor never loved the person that died. It's like forgetting all the good memories that made the couple in the first place. That started a few dreams ago, but dream me can't quite let it go, even if they got back together. . I just can't wait for the next dose of dream hell.




Hello. I'm new to the area on business and a little bird directed me to this network. I was told it would be useful.




I like to complain about what social networking is doing to our children and their vocabulary, but the truth is that when you've got a family as big as mine - most of them with zero forwarding addresses - you end up pretty desperate for email. And even though I don't really always have time for it, it's nice to have the whole Clan over on Facebook. Yes, Facebook. It's a has-been for the 'cool kids' now, I guess, but it gets us all in one place when we need it. Not that I needed to see fifteen wall updates from my cousin and his crazy band shenanigans (Seriously, Harren, put a shirt on), but it's nice to get to see my mother's photographs, or give them all updates on my progress.

My agent keeps telling me to make myself a professional sports page, but I don't see the point. Competitive Archery isn't as popular as things like gymnastics, and I don't want to end up turning into a 'Norana is not impressed' meme if I end up in the wrong spot on the podium. I think this account will work fine for now.

So hello, Orange County. I'm Norana, and I'm new here. As you can see, I have a huge family, none of which actually live anywhere around here, which means I have zero connections. Can someone point me to A: A good range to practice at and B: A good place to get a drink?




First of all, I'd like to thank one mister Kevin Flynn for hiring me, and say hello to the rest of the ENCOM staff. I'm very pleased to be joining you, and I hope to meet more of you soon! Stop by my office and say hello any time you'd like.

In stranger news, my dream self seems to have advanced from simple opportunity based killing into an actual premeditated murder.

In my latest dream escapades, I followed Lord Asquith D'Ysquith Junior (the one who snubbed me so harshly by letter) and his paramour to a remote little area where they'd gone for a weekend getaway. There I lurked around, following them with a bottle of poison in my pocket, waiting for the opportune moment to strike.

When the moment did not present itself, I cut a hole in the pond where they were skating and watched as they fell unwittingly into it, meeting their doom.

What a diabolical plot. I half expected my dream self to sprout a mustache, twirl it, and tie a young lady to the railroad tracks. I'm really not sure this could get sillier.

All in all it was shockingly simple. Soon after, Lord Asquith D'Ysquith (senior) wrote and asked me to come be an accountant at the family firm. So a new job in my dream world, as well.

(And six more people between myself and earldome, for those keeping score.)




First of all, I'd like to thank all y'all who've come out so far asking about lessons. I'm pleased as punch to have you on, and I'm looking forward to working with you some more.

Which does remind me, I had a question about stabling horses and I thought I'd make a note of that here. If you need a place to stable your horse, we do have a bit of room. It's not unlimited, but there are a few spots open.

Now I've been seeing a lot about these dreams around here, and I think I've been having some of my own. Damn nasty stuff, pardon my French. Hope they're not all like this.