
February 25th, 2015




Sweet mother of god, I thought I was done dreaming. Has anyone resorted to Nyquil addiction just to avoid all this? It almost seems more preferable at this point.

I just...there are these mountains and a magic urn and snow and so much with the snow and the things and the stuff and fuck this Nordic fuckery, I can't.




It's rather fascinating to watch the seemingly neverending parade of girl scouts bringing boxes and boxes of cookies into the Stark building. And they aren't even the ones to be sold to the staff.

When and how is the best way to tell your boss you think he has a cookie problem?




I hate it when I miss all the fun.








I really do love how honest the kids in my class are at times. Just to find out what they'd say I asked them all what they liked most about school and for the most part I got the answers I was expecting - recess, story time, art, the fun parts of the day. I wasn't expecting one of them to say nap time and I most definitely wasn't expecting the reason they gave "Because my little sister isn't here screaming and waking me up!"




Sure lady, I'll stick on the line with you because you need your hand held. I'll just sit here playing pokemon, not like I have anything better to do with my time.

Aaannnd now I can just hear my dad saying 'patience, Ahsoka' in my head, great.




So apparently I'm being recommended for college level science. I'm not sure how I feel about this, it could be amazing but it also means more homework. But maybe it'll mean my biggest worry not being about the kid at my table who eats weird stuff for a dollar being the highlight of my day for once.




Is it too early to start planning the after party? Rogue's got moonshine in the works, will most likely cook for an entire army, and we can celebrate no one we liked died. This entire thing is worthy of alcohol indulgence. Probably won't take place for a week or two, but hey! Enough time to make it awesome.

Do us a favor, OC. Try not to lose your shit so we can enjoy some downtime, got it? I will put a goddamn hole in you otherwise.

Now, I usually don't mix candy with alcohol - blech - but I'm going to get my hands on these. Booze filled chocolates. This can either be really good or really gross, but I'm all for trying things at least once.