
January 25th, 2015




It seems I have joined all of you in this whole dreaming phenomena.

I had a dream about being in Africa again, but this time in a country that does not exist here - Wakanda. And it seems I am royalty there, a prince, who must earn the title of Black Panther in order to rule. I had to fight my own uncle, it seems, who was the current Black Panther. When I defeated him, it was then my right to take a heart shaped herb in order to be connected to the panther god Bast and become ruler, not to mention it seemed to give me superior strength and agility.

And I nearly killed the man who, in my dreams, killed my father and was trying to steal some sort of metal from my country - Vibranium.

Definitely a far cry from my own history in this life.




It seems I've joined the ranks of dreamers in this place. I am -- uncertain how I feel about this.

To begin with, my parents and I were poor. I mean -- we weren't well off in this life, either, but in these dreams it was all rather Dickensian. My mother was a washerwoman and my father was a fisherman (though he died while I was very young). I'm shocked I wasn't a chimney sweep.

After mother's death, a strange woman came to visit me. An old friend of my mother's, it seemed. She claimed that my mother was actually a disinherited heiress to the most wealthy and influential family in London, and that I was eighth in line to be an earl! How fantastic would that be?

I contacted the family to let them know of my existence, and rushed off to tell my apparent paramour. Who is -- lovely, and very beautiful, but also exceedingly aware of her beauty.

She of course laughed me off, as well as what seemed the latest in a long line of marriage proposals. She didn't even touch the chocolates I'd brought her.

To add insult to injury, a member of the family wrote back and told me he'd never heard of my mother, and to never contact them again.

My my, this is all very complicated. I wish my dream self luck in his venture to becoming earl, I suppose.



Text to Marguerite

>> I have several things!
>> In order: a US based texting plan that means I can answer your texts now
>> A job
>> Odd dreams

>> How are you?




The cleaning bug bit while I was trying to relax from running. I think I've reorganized every room in the house, and I won't lie, there's a lot of rooms.

Alucard, darling, sorry if I rearranged the dressers and you can't find your socks. I promise they're still here and I haven't thrown them away.

I even made space for all the things the Dreams have given us. It's rather nice to have them organized and displayed properly.




I love when three horses decide throwing shoes is the best idea ever. No, really, I love calling the farrier on a Sunday. I really should learn to do this myself. You'd think they were ganging up on me. Honestly, I need a drink today. After I shell out way too much money for a Sunday fix job.

Daryl Dixon
I figured I'd say hi, since my sister works for you, we met once and all that.




I don't have enough coffee for what I found waiting at the test track today. So many parts. I'm glad I have something else to do later tonight or else I'll end up putting all these parts together for the next week.

I still might.




My vacuum broke, and now I'm fixing the belt... I had to hunt down the proper size, understand how their sizing worked, and numbers, and now am trying to install said belt. I have snapped my fingers three times, smashed them once, and managed to cause the belt to spring up and hit me in the eye just now. I've added tea to my arsenal, and it's managed to calm me, myself, but unfortunately I've also not actually tried re-installing it since bringing out the tea. So I don't know if that really counts as helping.




I'm going to need new curtains. And a new fish tank. Possibly a new couch.

Acceptable losses, really.




Someone I met at work told me about this community. And I figured I'd say hello and introduce myself. I'm Jo Harvelle! so.. Yeah hi!




Do people here

Does anyone here get afflictions? From dreams. I can't explain it anyway else. I can't explain it even really by saying I'm like this because I dreamed it but

This happens. Right? I've read about it.

It's forced my hand in a suspension a temporary step down from my spot with Irvine PD.




If there is someone on this network at all familiar with shelters or things similar, I would very much like to learn what is available for I am new and interested in continuing work in such places. It may be good to learn what other things exist here, because surely there are many things to do here. I would be very grateful for any information. My name is Vilya.




I never thought California temperatures would feel like a relief, but so far this is a heck of a lot more pleasant than Zambia was. No complaints here.

Doctor Bruce Banner. I'm new in town, so I thought I'd say hi. This is me saying hi!

[Filter to Tony Stark]
Hey there, pal. Remember that time you offered me a job, like fifteen years ago?




I should definitely be sleeping. Hi, everyone. I'm Meg and I'm sort of new to this network.