
December 25th, 2014




So my wife bought this sign and set it up in the house, right?  )




I don't normally spend any real time concerned about any TV in general, let alone anything reality based and so scripted as something like "Pawn Stars". However, a student in class had mentioned to me that on one episode, the 'Pawn Shop' managed to come across a First American Edition copy of Jules Verne's classic 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.

I of course became more than a bit curious, most editions were lost in 1872 during the Boston fire. It's widely known that about only 50 - 60 exist in the world, so yes I decided to research the authenticity of this. I went to Vegas myself to see the book and study it closely; the expert they had is actually an expert, and one who I'd take my own books to. Still, when you're an expert yourself you feel the need to look with your own eyes.

I did, that's where I've been since my holiday began, and I must say I was taken back to find that it was, in fact, Jules Verne's First US Edition of Twenty Thousand Leagues. I don't carry the kind of money on me that would be necessary, but after working out some deals... well, I just spent far more money than I really should have on this book, but $10,000+ later, I am now the proud owner of this magnificent find. I don't spend money on much, and as a collector and lover of great literature it was almost a necessity. I think the price tag is worth, and understandable.

I suppose now I'll be eating TV dinners for the next year to make up for it.




Being the taller one makes it much more fun to play around with the mistletoe. My girlfriend is so adorable when she's standing up on her tiptoes.








Definitely woke up shifted and green again this morning, and it took a good hour before I was calm enough to shift back, which made me late for Christmas.

Really wish I knew at least one shapeshifter I could ask for advice.




Family snowball fights are epic. We really need to do that again.

I think we need to have a huge New Years party.





[OOC: Garrus got hacked by his sister, the end.]




I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas.
This online community is growing on me and I genuinely hope all are enjoying the holiday.