
December 24th, 2014




[Birth Announcement] )




Not even home for a complete day, and I get the cops called on me. Apparently the neighbors aren't too cool with me having my personally made fireworks tossed in the sky for Christmas Eve. They were actually fireballs exploding in the sky and not as pretty, but it was bright and warm? Semantics, I say.

Quit suppressing my religious holiday freedom, OC. Also, why are you so damn cold?




Don't ever let Aramis tell you his cat is an angel it's a dirty lie, I think it's actually a tornado with claws. Next time I go to feed that thing I'm raiding bomb squad gear.




I fucking hate Christmas. And now someone keeps putting mistletoe up everywhere. Sexual harassment much?




Christmas at home. It's strange sleeping in my old room. Brings back memories! I'm looking forward to seeing everyone's face when they open up their gifts.

Merry Christmas everyone!!!




Santa is moving pretty fast according to NORAD. He's in a big city for about a minute and a half. Is he just chucking the presents from the sleigh? Good thing I don't have a little brother or sister .