
December 13th, 2014



Look, I'm no Grinch or anything, but I seriously don't understand why we have to do this stupid office Secret Santa thing. I don't know this person, I have no idea what to get them. And then we what, have a party to give presents to people we barely know?

Ho ho yeah not for me. Who the fuck even put my name in there anyway.




Have to admit, I wasn't expecting to see this much snow when I moved to California.

Name's Remy LeBeau. Thought I'd take a look at this network thing.




Pro: Great sales.
Con: Pushy old ladies, crying kids, and overzealous, Christmasy people.

At least it's cloudy a lot now.




This has been a super, super strange few days. First the electricity, then the strange birds. Like okay, I wished for snow and it's been snowing forever, but I didn't wish for strange birds, so no one's allowed to blame me. Uh uh. That one? Is not my fault.

Then I'm like... off to the mall, to grab a few last presents and maybe find whatever crazy food it is I'm craving now (because it's nothing in my cupboards or the fridge and I have no idea what it is). Maybe some of the smells in the food court or the little snack shops will tell me what the heck it is the blueberry wants to eat.

But nope, the car was all SLIP SLIP SLIDE and I thought I was going to DIE. Only... no accident actually happened because this huge crosswind kicked up against the car and made it stop sliding. The snow went crazy for a few minutes after that, too, so I kinda just hung out on the side of the road with my mug of hot cocoa.

I'm okay now, just... can we stop with the weirdness please? Between Christmas, New Years, Wedding Planning and growing a life I am SO stretched thin. I really don't think I need any more.

Oh yeah, me and the blueberry are completely fine, just in case people are freaking out.




Yesterday was quite curious.




I don't know what's freakier, my dreams last night or that bird I saw.




God, I hate that moment when you go to pour yourself a glass of Egg Nog, and you realize that someone put it away with like, two tablespoons left in the carton. Grr! Was it me? Did I do it? Or do I have someone else to blame?

In either case, I need more Egg Nog. Stat.




Another long night. The nights leading up to the holidays seem almost worse than the nights that come after them. I'll likely have a few days off between Christmas and New Years. Now I just have to figure out what to do with them.