
December 1st, 2014




I keep having dreams of this place. It doesn't seem like a very nice place. Very dirty, very seedy. MASSIVE crime rate. Kinda like you'd see in an old Bogart movie. Like there ought to be a shady looking man in a fedora and trench coat on every corner.

I think it's in... New Jersey?


It's called

g o t h a m

Sounds spooky, doesn't it?




It's always interesting when the dreams wake me up in the middle of the night. I always feel more disoriented than when I wake up from them normally in the morning. This time around there was a battle in Idris and Clary created a Rune to bind each Shadowhunter to a Downworlder so we could work together. Not only that, but a certain someone finally came out, not only to his family, but to the Clave as well. I also found the spell to wake up a certain someone's mother too. After the battle I saw another certain old friend there, which was quite nice. All in all, not a bad set of dreams.

Oh yeah, but the most disorienting part about when I just woke up, my bellybutton is apparently gone. It's one of my other demon marks in the dreams, like my eyes and now it appears to be gone. This is interesting, to say the least.




It's fitting that I'm going back to work after Thanksgiving on about 3 minutes of sleep with new dreams. I really appreciated the long hiatus, which left me in the middle of that cliffhanger.

Here's a little good news. I'm not dead, just stuck in limbo land with Bonnie. The 1990's was a plaid decade. After a few months, I came back, but another tilt of the axis and some supreme fuckery, and this stuff still isn't straight.




I'm pretty sure I've become a legitimate hermit. Well no, except for Thanksgiving when a good friend pulled me from my hermit-dome and made me enjoy a fantastic meal. There was only a little convincing to be had to get me out of the house. Otherwise I'm sure I'd have spent Thanksgiving with my cats eating whatever the little old ladies next door brought over. Or ice cream.

I need a life. And a night without nightmares. But we're getting there.

And then I woke up to snow today. Snow. Here. I mean, I love snow, I've seen snow, but I wasn't ever expecting it here. But it's so beautiful. I had to go take photos.

Photo, not filtered )




All of my horses have seen snow at least once in their lives, mostly due to travel for rodeos and clinics, but they just aren't sure what to make of it with it in their own backyard. The youngest is frolicking through it and having a blast, one of the older mares is watching with disdain, but she's allowed to look grumpy. She never liked being out east during the winter.

Me? I'm trying to remember to hatchet the water troughs and dig out everyone's blankets. They're in a trunk in the attic because I hadn't planned on going east this winter for any clinics, so I didn't think I needed them. I guess I shouldn't have done that.

Who would have guessed snow here!




I'm afraid that I am in a bit of a quandary this morning, and thus, feel the need to put the question to the community at large:

Did everyone wake up to both unseasonable snow and a wolf in their beds, or am I alone in this situation?

Pictorial evidence of said wolf in said bed )

The wolf answers to the name Diefenbaker, although "answer" may be overstating his responsiveness a bit. If this wolf is, indeed, the wolf from the particularly vivid dreams that have been plaguing me of late made manifest, I must admit I am quite perplexed.




So blizzards in California is a thing now? Thought maybe it was a freak thing last year. Suffice to say, I have a very happy nine year old over here who is home from school because of said blizzard. She's practically bouncing off the walls. I wonder how long this is gonna last. Gonna have to do some shoveling and snowman making later once it lets up a little.





Also just turned Asami's pool into a snowboarding rink. Life is awesome, snow days are awesome.




I know we've come to expect snow in the OC around Christmas but this is a little early.




Kids came home from school and we've spent the past three hours in the snow building snow X-men and I think I froze my fingers off.





I go all the way to NYC and it snows.

I come back to sunny Cali and it snows?? Glad I have my winter gear but seriously what's going on?




I thought that it wasn't supposed to snow in California. Having moved here from New Orleans, I'm not prepared for snow at all. I don't actually have a winter jacket. Not a heavy one anyway. This is incredibly bizarre, but kind of cool too, because I've only seen real snow less than a handful of times.




Ugh. I never want turkey again. Ever. Big Thanksgiving means endless leftovers.It was good stuff but I'm done with the trips to tryptophan land.

Also snow day for ENCOM. Because I need an excuse for a lazy post-family day.




Last night I dreamt that Hook told us there was still a way back to Storybrooke and that a giant had it. So, Emma, Mulan, Aurora, Hook and I found the beanstalk to the giant and Emma went with Hook while the rest of us kept watch. I ended up talking to Aurora about her trouble sleeping since her sleeping curse, which I was familiar with, having been under my own sleeping curse. I promised to keep watch over her while she slept so that nothing would harm her. After Emma was gone for ten hours, Mulan tried to start cutting down the beanstalk, but I wouldn't allow her to do it. I couldn't lose Emma again, but luckily Emma got back just at that moment. I have no doubt that I would have stopped Mulan, bodily, if I had to.

I'm glad that I haven't had the nightmares that I did in the dreams after the sleeping curse I was under here. Who wants to dream about a red room with no way out that's on fire? Certainly not me.




Snow? Here?

If I had wanted snow I could have gone home to the Midwest.

I do have to say, however, that snow is quite a beautiful thing, and something I am still not used to even after all these years, especially considering I spent my younger years living in Africa.