
October 9th, 2014




So not only have I been having nasty dreams (or Dreams, I guess) every night for the past week and a half, almost two weeks, which is something I did not need. Lizard creatures and people who cut wolves in half with swords are not my definition of 'nice'.

But this morning I woke up and everything was just -- too much. It was like I could see everything in super high definition, I'm pretty sure I could hear my neighbours breathing, and don't get me started on how everything smelled.

I got Cora to pick up my dog, just in case. No actual transformation yet, but locking myself down seems like a good idea.

I'm starting to hate the full moon.




Made the cheer team! Couldn’t have done it without Buffy. :)

And tomorrow is my birthday! :D

The only thing that could make this week better was if I didn’t have any dreams last night. I can’t believe I killed 12 people.




Why are there so many things that can go wrong with a pregnancy? The internet details every single one of them.

[OOC: Just slapping a warning on here that the conversations within might discuss topics that could be triggery regarding miscarriages/things going wrong in birth.]




instead of running to Alaska. Or Vermont. Or Montana.. Anyone feel like joining me for a good old fashioned bar brawl? I sort of think I need to punch someone in the face. If you ask questions as to why, You're probably opening a can of worms you don't want.

Warned you.

Anyone? I'll even bribe for accompaniment with chocolate.




PRIVATE [ A snippet from John's dream journal ]
she was there again, increasingly far //// everything pink and yellow
time was falling, spiraling down galaxies - i think she could have burned them all
an old man could have been me ... never seen him before in my life and it's left me with an urge
such an odd urge
like i've got to steal something... blue?
thinking about it makes my mind burn

I had the strangest dream that I was a grandfather. Imagine that, me! Old and blue-haired. Could never imagine it consciously, yet there I was tinkering with odd trinkets and boasting bulbs of wisdom. Never had a dream like that before. Shame I can't remember more. No need to.

Sorry, too. You see, I'm quite new to all this blogging. Were people really waking up next to perfect strangers without memory as to how they'd gotten there? Terrible epidemic of memory loss. Do hope that's been checked out by those who have suffered the same experience!