
September 23rd, 2014




I'm working on my assignments and I am seriously wondering why self-portraits have to be so hard to get right.




And they said you couldn't brew good espresso at home.




After living in a hotel for a while I probably shouldn't have watched Hotel Impossible the other night. Now I'm creeped out and paranoid that all of them are that filthy and everything that I had in there needs replacing. I know we've been out for a while but everything I own is making me suspicious. I need to not watch these shows anymore.

[Filtered to Anna]
How are things?

[Filtered to Remy]
Need anything?



filtered to friends

Mom's going out of town for the weekend.

I'm sure you can figure out what that means.

[OOC: Feel free to assume!]




Annie's already asking me if we are going to Mickey's Halloween Party like last year. We're going to go costume shopping this weekend. Just for ideas. And to hopefully narrow down her selection. Because I'm sure it will change three times by Halloween.




I had a new Dream last night. For the first time since... it feels like forever. I Dreamed something new. I'm not sure what to think about it all.




So these dreams...


Days like this with stacks of paperwork staring me in the face I begin to wonder if it's true and lawyers actually are evil.




I'm not normally home on Tuesday nights, but my board meeting was canceled tonight, so I have nothing else going on. Is there any good television on Tuesday nights?





The latest notes from management. The owner loves me. I think it pisses the night manager off. I might enjoy pissing him off.

So far its slow tonight. Visitors welcome.


The verdict is in. My wrist is broken, and my dad thinks I've finally gone and become a serious athlete. He couldn't be more thrilled. Who am I to burst his bubble? I'm finally the son he wants and