
September 6th, 2014




While I'm yet to be effected by whatever is happening as a PSA just in case. I'll be in one of the following places. If not then worry

1) my office at the UCI
2) The McCoy residence
3) Baxter's Bakery
4) My apartment

Probably in that order too...




Disneyland would be a whole lot more awesome if I wasn't so tired. :(

Fell asleep on the pirates ride.

Still the happiest place on Earth, tho.


What the actual fuck is this? Don't go telling me everyone sleeping everywhere is actually normal for O.C.? Why is this happening? Is someone doing this or is it the city?




Seems like I was out of it for a few days.

Had some terriible dreams, though. Like I was stuck in some alternate future.




I'm never sleeping again. Two days in a nightmare was enough of that. And there are still people passed out? And others hallucinating? That's horrible!




I'm really glad I wasn't affected by the dreams. That was pretty messed up. I'm sure it was one of those OC things. It's really sad when that becomes normal.




I just want to go to sleep. I can't keep seeing these things any longer.

Please Someone tell me I'm not crazy.

[TW: Mention of unsettling deaths/crime scenes in comments.]




Okay I honestly don't know what's going on but I was out for the count for a little there. (Sorry Tony for drooling on your keyboard).

Had the WORST nightmares ever. Swarms and swarms of Grid Bugs coming after me, and then they'd just start crawling all over and derezzing me slowly. It was horrible. I'm not sure it was painful so much as just...terrifying having pieces of you disappear bit by bit in little digital cubes.

I'm not going near any tech for a week. After this post, I mean.