
August 16th, 2014




We lost a half-dozen vehicles, including two expensive prototypes. But no one was hurt, thankfully.




Really glad that whatever's happening has decided to leave OsCorp alone. I'm not even anywhere near wanting to think about dealing with that.

Gotta fly back home to NYC for a couple days. Plane's leaving in a few hours. Try not to get too exciting here without me.




So has anyone heard from Logan? His healing factor is on the fritz in my dreams and




These dreams are giving me a bit of a headache. Though on one hand, I did manage to use those Avengers perfectly to my exact design, one the other I can't believe my plans were nearly brought down because of a Midgardian. Will wonders never cease.

It's too bad there's little code between even villains, which is probably what one gets when trusting a man named Doctor Doom. And it's very good that even after all this time, Thor will apparently still come to my aid. What a fool.

[Private to Mara/Maleficent]

These explosions that have been happening. I can't help but get the nagging feeling that not all is what it seems with them.




I think I'm mostly pissed about the bikes. And the cigars, I had some cubans in there. Fuck.

Didn't even hurt that bad until everythin' grew back.

Yeah, I got exploded. Shit happens.




Going to stay up tonight, drink and see what else gets blown up.

Anyone want a join? This seems like more of a social gig, and would be less depressing than if I did it on my own.



[Blocked from Musketeers]

There's rather a lot going on right now that isn't very delightful at all.

That being said, I've just stumbled upon this, and it's very delightful. Pretty much how it happens in a nutshell, I should think.