
July 31st, 2014




I'm back. I guess. I don't know if anyone on here remembers me, but I'm Tink. I work at an Auto Shop. I like cars and welding. If you need an oil change or some work done, I'm your gal.

Sorry I disappeared for a while. Are people around here still talking about Dreams?


I've been having a lot of dreams about home lately. Maybe I'll go back for a quick visit before term starts up again. If only I could remember where I put my passport.


Finishing packing to move and I think someone was feeling like we might forget her in the process.

[image cut] )

Really excited to get out of my husband's once-bachelor pad and into a bigger place. :D




Moving into a new place is always an interesting experience. You find so many things while packing up your bags, things you held onto for nostalgic reasons. Some of them have no memory attached to them at all. Curious that we cannot seem to throw them away, even then.

I have a napkin in my duffel bag, I found it while I was unpacking. It's from a bar in Kabul, a place I liked to frequent with a friend of mine. Do you remember the place, Shepard? It's such a silly thing to hold onto, yet I find myself unable to put it in the trash where it belongs. We human beings are such silly things sometimes.




Anybody know of a good obedience school around here? The dog my roommate's got is great, I love it. I'm just fed up with the dog not listening to anybody in the house.

[Shane Collins]

This will be the one thing I pay for outside of dog food when we need some and it's my week to buy groceries.

[Gwen Stacey]

The puppy hasn't destroyed anything of yours has he? I'm making a list of what all I need to look into replacing after we get the obedience school thing taken care of.




Does anyone think this pick-up line would ever work? "Hey girl, did we just share electrons? Because I'm feeling a covalent bond between us."

Ba-dum-cha! Here all week!