
July 24th, 2014



None of the flyers I posted around town seemed to be getting any attention, so I thought I'd advertise here.

Looking for members to join a 3 piece punk band. I've got lead guitar down, just need a drummer and bassist. Name's already picked out: White Silk Chinchillas. Totally non-negotiable. Hit me up.




These dreams are rather insistent aren't they? I feel like I'm being bombarded every night at the moment and they aren't exactly all sweetness and light either.

Has anybody successfully stopped them? They're rather tiring and I have a show to do on Friday.




I ALMOST thought that I was going to have to find something else to do with my evening besides work, but then the backup generators kicked on. You never seen anyone cry as much as a building full of people who suddenly realise they ain't getting to go home early after all.

Of course, it's only powering the essentials, so I guess we're all gonna see what I look like without this coat on.