
July 1st, 2014




I'm glad France is putting up a good show in lieu of Spain not making it into the knock-out round. That being said, going up against Germany in a few days does not bode well. It would certainly be a coup for France to beat them. But then they'd likely have to play Brazil and that seems a slaughter waiting to happen.

It's a strange World Cup at that. At this point, I won't lie. I'm more or less cheering for whoever is going against the Netherlands.




Good God.

Had a Dream where I almost got married for the money and then didn't, and then blew up a castle.

Blowing things up is a constant theme in these things. And so is people getting mad at me for it. Not much different than real life, I guess?

I thought I rocked the wedding dress though. Fighting in it is a bitch and a half.




I can't say I'm a fan of this kind of social media but I do know it can and will be useful for all kinds of things. The way of the changing world. God I sound old.

So, to get us started my name is Haymitch and I run Abernathy PR.




Oh my god I had a dream where I went to a sea-witch so she could give me legs so I could go see Eric and in exchange she wanted my voice and so I gave it to her and now Eric has to kiss me within three days or else I get my fins back. But so far it's great because I got to go on a really great tour of the kingdom and there was a boat ride and I thought it was going to happen but the worst part is I woke up this morning and I don't have a voice. It's not even a sort of rasp like when you usually lose your voice it's just gone. D:




I think Belgium's forgotten that the point of soccer is to get the ball into the net. And that we have a helluva goalie when they do manage to remember.




Nothing like waking up and nearly stabbing your girlfriend. And it hurts.

I had another set of not-me-but-still-me dreams. Like it's an alternate universe to the dreams I have that feel the most real.

Uhm Ororo I hope you don't dream those ones, that version of me took your eye. Apparently you're a bad guy there.



[Filtered from Hannibal Lecter]

Cut because of trigger warning against violence & dismemberment, viewable to all but Hanni. )




I think I've had some of those dreams! Like I'm living in the 20s. The cars are still awesome, and there are people that can throw fire and water. All the elements I think. They're called benders. I'm not one, but that's okay. Just like real life dad made me learn to defend myself.




So these dreams ain't just people makin' shit up then.