
June 30th, 2014




I think you could all probably use a stronger dosage of Ambien.

This Network can't possibly be as bad as Facebook, right? Least you're all stringing sentences together correctly.

I'm Midna.




For those of you with roommates - nothing good ever follows the statement "I know I should have waited to talk to you first but..." Just in case you hadn't figured that out yet I thought I'd share.

I've got a new roommate, of sorts, to meet when I get home from my trip - they adopted a dog. I don't mind dogs I just wish - they'd waited until I got home or talked to me first. I talked to them before I




I can eat again! Thank God. I was so sick of ginger ale and saltines.




So, I'm curious. Almost every day I happen to glance at the clock at 2:29 in the afternoon, which is my birth date. I don't plan it, it just happens. What I'm curious about is, if this happens to anyone else or if it's just me.
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Cats are weird. She's decided in the past couple of days she's done hiding around the house and now I can't even take a piss without her rubbing up against my leg and purring. And she steals my daughter's Cheerios AND LAYS ON MY MACBOOK. At least she's not a cat hellbent on making life miserable. Not that I have any cat experience.

I'll admit, she's cute though.

[edit:] I've discovered my daughter is actually plying the cat with Cheerios for cuddles and friendship. It's working.



[Filtered Away from Annie Sawyer]

I'm planning on asking my girlfriend to marry me soon. I've talked to a friend of mine about going with me to look at rings, but I'm not really sure where to go. Does anyone have any suggestions of jewelry stores in the area that are worth checking out?




I have the deepest urge for BBQ right now, but Orange County isn't exactly none for it. Any suggestions? Our apartment is too small to have a BBQ...and I don't want to wait until Friday for it.

Any suggestions?



Filtered to friends, family and people from TVD world

The dreams are starting again. I already woke up with the daylight ring, but now I'm starting to dream again. I dreamed about hunting with Finn and my other older brothers, I dreamed about Henrik being born...and beating the crap out of any village boys who liked Rebekah, which, granted, is something I did here when she was in High School anyway, but...I know these dreams can't lead to good things. I know where this is going to end up and I'm scared...




So, where are all the good Fourth of July parties gonna be? Anyone setting off fireworks or doing anything on the beach? I need something to do later on in the day. My aunt and uncle are gonna BBQ in the afternoon, but later I'm totally free!




I've filled up about half a sketchpad since we got to Scotland. It'd probably be more if my hand didn't cramp up so often, but I've been trying to keep it from getting too bad by doing the exercises my physical therapist told me to do. I should probably lay off for a day or so, but there's just so much to draw.




Anyone know of any good massage places in town?




Oh my god, some of these are extremely creepy. A few aren't that bad, but others feel like they should be in a horror movie or something. Hopefully I'll be able to sleep tonight.




My dreams seem to be becoming increasingly violent and disturbing. Perhaps the most disturbing part is that I find myself attempting to justify the violence I commit inside my dreams. I try to convince myself that there was no other choice, though I know logically that this is not true.

I am not a good man, in my dreams. My only sense of peace comes from my choice to be a good man, here.