
March 3rd, 2014




I was able to get the one day I needed off. Kind of nervous for Saturday.

filtered; Kol
Are you excited?





It's amazing. It makes me so happy. GASP. Now I have a wedding to plan!!




So... the Oscars happened? Like, everyone on Twitter went insane. Not that I ... cough. have a twitter account or anything.

How'd you like the show if you watched it? I totally didn't, actually, I was out last night. But I heard some things.




Well, I suppose I'm not the only "newbie" to be posting on here lately. I'm Ellie Bartowski, and I've just taken a position at Irvine General. Looking forward to meeting people and making a home here in Orange County.

Also, I hear my kid brother Chuck is around here somewhere. Pretend like I just told you some really embarrassing story about him from our childhood.




Eee, I had more dreams! They were sort of not good? I don't know. Anyway, we all ran away from Atlantica but my super psychotic governess sent her killer eels after us, and then she came after us. It would have been scarier if she hadn't somehow had a pink camouflage fin and a matching army helmet. But! Daddy came to our rescue! And music was allowed again in Atlantica and it was all perfect!

Then I dreamt I was sixteen, like I am now, and I collect human things. From shipwrecks and everything. We found a fork and a pipe and got chased by a shark, then we went to the surface where my seagull friend Scuttle (who's a total basket case), told me about them. But he said they were a snarfblat (pipe) used for music, and a dinglehopper (fork) used for styling hair. My mermaid self totally believed him, too.

Oh! Best news though! I woke up with a music box from my first set of dreams, with my mom and dad dancing inside. It's beautiful.


Very worried about international events. I had family who lived in Sevastopol for many years, but both Aunt and Uncle passed away in 2004. Seeing the newspapers makes me think of them constantly.

Please, I ask you, do not give in to propaganda images. There are Russians who hate and fear Putin, and want only peace. The Soviet Union is gone, and he must realize it.

Is there a bakery in town? I feel a sudden need to indulge in something chocolate and absurdly caloric.


I am such a sucker for those ghost hunting shows. They're so lame, especially when they think they're making out what those EVPs are saying. "I'm hearing 'get out'." WHAT IF THE GHOST SAID "BACON"? WHAT IF THEY MISS BACON? I know I would if I was a ghost.




You know the best looks I get are the people who come into the shop thinking they're gonna find a guy under the car. Sorry guys, I'm a chick and I can handle cars stop being so stereotype happy. Also I will kick the next customer in the shins who goes "So you're favorite car to work on is a Volkswagen, Mercedes?" with a grin thinking they're funny. You aren't.




So this is Orange County. I've heard stories about this place. Should be an interesting stay. The job better be worth it, that's all I can say.

I guess I should introduce myself. My name is Athos and I'm new around here. Like that wasn't really obvious.




There's nothing quite like dreaming about an awkward long hug from a man old enough to be your father who is crazy and isn't wearing any pants.

I guess he was glad to be out of the mental hospital. But then he did run around Stonehenge naked.




Ugh, I've been feeling a little run down this past week or so. I'm almost afraid that it's some sort of bug that's been going around. I thought working in a law firm would make it so I don't get sick as often since there's not as many people in our office. May be time to grab some extra vitamin c tablets.

So, thanks to being tired I took a few naps over the past couple days and apparently that's all I needed to jump back into my dreams. The winds are changing in my dream universe and I can't say I'm very pleased with how things are going. Apparently a pregnant Senator doesn't do as much as a non-pregnant Queen because I spend so much time just going to Senate meetings and I almost miss being out in the battle field, which is a weird thing to say. I don't want to keep having these dreams because I don't want the ending to come




Okay, I thought I knew all the rubbish about tipping people in America because you lot are too harebrained to pay people a living wage. I hadn't the faintest idea that you're actually supposed to tip the people who package a takeaway order you pick up yourself. And then I got called a "twat" when I said I hadn't got cash.

I'm fucking Irish, mate; don't take it out on me, take it out on your absurd wage laws.




SPRING IS COMING! And of course, the only way I know this is that there's grass in my town in New Leaf, and today was Festivale. Which means there's a gyrating peacock in my town.

I love Pave, I really do. Cut for image! )

You're welcome. Stock up on antihistamines now!




Thanks to everyone who came to my birthday party on Saturday. I had a wonderful time, and hope you did, too! For everyone who missed it, I'm still accepting presents. ;)



Filtered Away from Hanna

Hello. This is a sort of public service announcement. My name is Mary Poppins and I recently held a conversation with Hanna (unknown last name) about attending school. I wished to speak with her parents or guardians about enrolling her.




So someone told me about this place and I figured I'd check it out. Don't really know what I was expecting cause it's pretty much just a message board, right? I went back a page or so and it seems like everyone is just talking about random everyday stuff. So what's the deal?




CRAP I DID VALENTINE'S DAY ALL WRONG and apparently hella dangerously. Next year, I'll use these Tips from Dr. Oz, because clearly he knows everything and I don't want to have a testicle funeral.

Isabela's about eighteen weeks along (four and a half months for those not on Baby Time) with the Littlest Rand. Is it too early to buy cute clothes? I wanna buy tiny shoes.