
January 27th, 2014


Locked from Gemma Masters

Holy crapballs I've got a girlfriend. What the hell do you do for Valentine's Day? Like, what gifts aren't hokey?

help i've never done this before




Alright, so we have a location set for Capture the Flag. Thank you to Arya Stark for allowing us to use her giant backyard. It's a really nice location and far enough away from everyone else that we shouldn't disturb too many people while we play.

Next order of business: Anyone have a large supply of paintball guns/accessories or know someone who could hook us up?

If not, anything else we would want to use for Capture the Flag? Laser tag would be cool, but we also run into the same issue of trying to get equipment. I'm thinking a no on the swords because I don't want to have anyone get hurt.

Also, what date would work best? If we want to set it for further in the future we can always do around spring break time, but I'm itching for some fun.


I can't believe the first month of this new year is almost over! Why is time just flying by? I wish things would go a little slower and maybe my days would drag on a little longer.

So in preparation for February I decided to look over some of the pet events that are going on around the area that people might want to attend. You can view things: here. These should all be dog friendly, so if you have a dog make sure to see if there's any that strike your fancy. If you don't have a dog, well I have some more pets at my clinic that are up for adoption if you want to stop by and take a peek at them.

There's some really great events. Lots of fundraising and awareness events. I love all these puppy kissing booths for Valentine's Day ideas. Very clever! A run/walk for breast cancer and a kid petting zoo.


So far this place is pretty interesting. I kind of forgot that fact. New York is such a different place. But I'm glad to be home




It's been rather nice relaxing at home. I've gotten so much done around the house I had forgotten about. I've gotten the fences repaired, the leaks I noticed fixed, and it got an early spring cleaning. I feel rather accomplished. I suppose that is the joys of being a home owner, huh? I cleaned out one of the big rooms to turn into a Gym, and am thinking of putting in a hot tub and a pool this year.

Oh, Canaan, that reminds me. Remember when I said I was going to get a Tandoor oven? I got it imported and brought in.




I clearly didn't get enough of my sister and Natalia at the BBQ we last last week, so I drove by to visit two of my favorite girls and spend time with them for the day. I brought Natty some candy and a giant stuffed Unicorn. ...Hey, at least it didn't make noise or glow or light up, Bekah.

My last semester of college is here and my internship with ESPN is over. In a few weeks I'll find out if they want to take me on as an employee after this semester ends. Fingers crossed.

Anyone up for a Disney trip this weekend? Lenakins? Damon? Stefan? Bekah? Finn? Sagey?




Anybody know of a good contract lawyer out here? I don't need one drawn up but I do need somebody to look one over and make sure I'm not putting too much faith in the company's reputation getting screwed if I sign this.

[Private to Izzy Lightwood]
They offered me a contract Izzy. No games, no run around like I've been getting. Just straight out offered it to me.

[Private to Audrey]
You're not going to fire me are you? Now that I've got a potential contract?

[Private to Gwen Stacey]
We should celebrate.




You guys!

I was just taking a dog nap with Marco Polo in the nicest spot of my apartment where the sun shines in really wonderfully and makes naps perfect because it's like the perfect temperature --





Not at all apologetic for flooding the parking lot with candy sprinkles. Not even a little.

PS: Dean. Yeah. About that lots of murdering thing: Sorry. Ish.