
January 4th, 2014




The rumors are true. I got engaged on Christmas Eve. It's a good thing.

How is 2014 going?




I had the best New Year's Eve ever this year! I honestly could not think of a better way to spend it. I still can't quite believe that we got to celebrate New Year's Eve in 1920. And my modified cell phone works exactly as it does in the dreams. I called my parents at midnight and it just so happened to be midnight in Boston in the present. It was amazing. And I've never actually had anyone to spend New Year's with, so getting to spend it with Mickey was really nice.

Now I'm back on a regular schedule at work, because we have two new doctors. No more extra extra overtime for this girl. I've finally got time to spend with Mickey and my friends.




So Christmas this year was... definitely interesting. I had fun with my family, as always, but I also got a really amazing present.

Some crazy person got me a puppy for Christmas.

His name is Thor, he's a husky. He's... kind of amazing. I'm really happy.




I'm going to be doing something very life impacting, and long overdue. I'm not scared, nor am I nervous. I simply know it is right.




2013 sucked.




What do you think is worse? Missing Alicepeople who've left or missing Irenepeople who've never been here?


Protip: When you're on an online dating site? Calling a black woman anything to do with chocolate is both creepy and borderline racist. I swear, I give up.



So like this dream shit, right? Everyone else seems to be getting like interesting shit. Traumatic shit, yeah, but interesting shit.

What do I get?

Fuckin' Winnipeg. That whole like, messed up new kid in school and suddenly...suddenly you've got a dad when you hadn't ever had a dad before and that's not messed up at all and...

And it's basically what's going on here. Except I'm like sixteen and still in Winnipeg (though, get this, totally from Brandon, which is kinda hilarious,) and it's the middle of the school year and everything is so damn just messed up but it's like normal messed up shit.

And Steph isn't there. I mean, I kinda knew when all those weird pictures started showing up that she wasn't gonna be there but it's still kinda depressing to wake up and find out that the girl of your dreams isn't y'know in your dreams.

Fuck Winnipeg.




So, uh... Yeah, that happened.

So I had a dream that my dad, shithead asshole murdering bastard going under the name of 'Cluemaster' like he's some super villian, is back in town (which is Gotham City, wherever that is, looks like Jersey to me) to kill people and to pull off some heists. Apparently in Gotham the cops are shit (again, just like Jersey) even though they've got this guy called Batman basically running around and doing all their work for them, so I decide to give them a hand. I put on this costume and decide to start collecting info on what 'daddy dearest' is doing and send clues to the cops (I call myself Spoiler, it is actually a kind of awesome name, even Batman thought so). Speaking of Batman though, I run into him and his sidekick (I totally hit Robin in the face with a brick when he pulled my hood off, go Steph!) and after they figure out who I am we team up to stop dad.

So after a bunch of fighting and heroics from Batman, Robin and yours truly, dad grabs me and is about to give me a face full of acid and he only stops when Bats tells him I'm his daughter and he has to pull off my hood to see. I take advantage of this and am about to kill him when Bats stops me. Then the cops swarm in and take dad and his crew away.

Odd enough, sure, but when I got up I had my Spoiler costume and a bunch of gear sitting next to me. I'm really not sure what to think about this.




There doesn't seem to be a reason for this, but my forearms have been aching, lately. I'm very active and I like to keep in shape, but I can't say that I have been overdoing it lately. And it doesn't seem to make sense that they would both ache instead of just one of them hurting. They're throbbing in unison.

I've felt kind of feverish, too, or... generally how you feel right before you get that cold that you know is coming? I was hardly ever sick as a kid, so this is new territory for me.

I'm hoping to start a new job soon and I don't really want to get a cold, is that Zicam stuff as good for getting rid of them as it says it is?




Embarrassing. I totally picked up my sister's phone instead of my own, and then got text messages on it. I never get text messages! That should have clued me in that it wasn't my phone! I'm getting it back to her. She's got mine. Our parents bought us the same phone, so that's how there was a mix-up! It's a great phone, though! I love it. I can't wait to get mine back!

Also, I need to make friends so that I won't be shocked when I get a text message.




What a great year! So far so good, anyway. I've got an audition for a new movie. Sounds like a great character! The character's name is Cricket, and she's an airship mechanic in The Patchwork Monk--wait. I can't tell you too much, but I'll let you know after the audition! Now my schedule's cleared up a little bit, I should be able to rearrange a few things and make it happen. And my father's hired movers to help me move out of my house and into my new place. I'm really excited about that, too!

More dreams. I think my ears are a bit more pointed. But they all revolve around Link, so that's a happy thing.





It was nice being back to normal. Even if it was short. Had a good Christmas. It was nice.

Dreams are back. Got new polaroids, too. Not a zombie family this time. Bonus. Dreams are getting pretty serious. I am a ballsy zombie. Going into human territory to win back the girl. Who did not like that I ate her boyfriend.

Should have seen that coming.


cw: gore and blood, talk of dead bodies. )