
November 14th, 2013




I can't believe holiday shopping is starting on Thanksgiving night. That's a little too early. Just because one retailer wants to do it, the others have to follow. That doesn't mean it's a good idea. I am not going to fight the crowds to save 50 on a big screen TV.




i feel like shite




While I don't find this strictly necessary, the board seems to think registering for this network is. Since there's no reason not to, here I am. It's not like I have anything better to do. Wait. I do.

I'm Teresa.




I've spent most of my adult life in the desert, and then I was stuck for two years in a rainy place. It's going to be nice to be a little dry again.

I'm Mulan Hua, formerly of Her Majesty's Royal Army. I teach football. Soccer as most of you call it.




I can distinguish the different molecular compounds that make up a simple sandwich. But I discovered something quite intriguing. Taste.

And tuna fish is disgusting.




Apparently this is a popular place for people of the OC to gather. I found it by chance, really, but it looks promising. I think I recognize a few of you, even.

To make introductions short and sweet, I'm Grace O'Malley, I tend to do fight choreography for films and tv but I do occasionally work at an actors' studio from time to time. Just moved here to Laguna Beach, really looking forward to it.




To go along with this truth-spouting weirdness, I got a new string of dreams. Hoorah. I guess it's not so bad. I continue to have problems staying in the van, and the whole CIA database living in my brain was apparently sent with good (but still mysterious) intentions. Broke up with my incredibly good-looking fake-girlfriend to pursue an incredibly-good looking real girlfriend (yay, go dream!Chuck), then got dumped by said real girlfriend for assuming she was working for terrorists (boo, dream!Chuck). Kissed the former fake-girlfriend - for the record, she kissed me - because we thought we were about to be blown up.

Let's see, what else ... Oh. The guy who destroyed my life to protect it is actually my former fake-girlfriend's ex-boyfriend, my little spy team gets in trouble but we save the day anyway, things at the Buy More continue to be just really messed up.

I'll say this, my dream life? Is never boring.

Probably because I don't stay in the van.




Well this 'truth telling' thing that's going on is certainly enlightening, I'm trying to be an understanding person but some people need to accept that they should just keep quiet and go home.



Locked from Rogue

Bad mood. Actually gettin' tired of sittin' at home waiting for my brain to mouth filter to come back. And sure I'm drivin' ma femme completely nuts.

Had more dreams. Dreamt me an' Rogue got our powers taken away. Were makin' a nice life out of it. And then we was needed - fuckin' Elias Bogen - so Sage jump started us both. Merci bien, honey. I think. Starting to fuckin' bug me that Anna Marie don't even remember me. I don't want her back or nothin' - but it'd sure be nice to have somebody else who was right there, who gets me.

At least we ain't shooting my part for a few weeks yet.




California is more or less what I expected.




I twisted my damn ankle chasing after a bounty today. Right on the stairs, like a damsel in a 60s monster movie. I think I flailed.

It's never happened before...damn, am I getting old? Is Irisa going to have to start feeding me with a spoon and changing adult diapers?