
November 6th, 2013




Oh my. In my dreams I was ... really, really close to my best friend. Which is kind of ballsy considering I dream I'm in the early 1950s. Sleeping with a woman probably would've gotten me shot. Sleeping with a black woman would've gotten me shot twice, then lit on fire or something.

I have never been so glad to wake up in 2013.

... Bucky Barnes, you stop grinning, I can tell you are.




I think I ran out of Halloween candy! Someone want to be my new best friend and share theirs with me?


You've been soooooo quiet. What's new?




I just fell asleep in the middle of eating. One minute, sandwich. Next thing I know Luke's crying and it's half an hour later. It's his own fault, if he could figure out sleeping through nights he wouldn't have to wait a couple minutes for food while I pick bread off my face.


You'll be pleased to know (I hope) that Carol and I are getting married.

I don't know when or where or anything, but we kind of both proposed to each other. And now we're getting married.




Waking up from a Dream is creepy enough. Then I go take a bath and find a cross necklace on my sink. From my dreams. Seriously? This place is creeping me out. I jumped and knocked a vase over and cut my hand up. And now I can't train because they made me get stitches.

But hey, I also realized I sorta missed my 30th birthday because of all this no talking fun. Oops?




I THINK..I want to cook a HUGE thanksgiving dinner. They're big here, right? I keep forgetting. We learned about them at school so I want to try.

But I don't have anyone to cook for .. SOoooooooo anyone who wants one let me know, and I'll throw a party at my house and cook for everyone who lets me know they'd like to come!




I've been restless for the better part of three days, and now suddenly that's gone and replaced by a splitting headache. At the risk of sounding twice my age, I'm going to blame that the weather is starting to change. Though it's a poor excuse when you live in Orange County.

If anyone can offer something besides rest and tea, I'd be most grateful.




Congratulations, scientists have taught monkeys to move robotic arms with their minds. They're so far behind me it's laughable. Hah hah!

It won't be long before you're all fat.