
October 19th, 2013




Am I the only person who's not over the moon about Halloween?

... maybe that was a bad way to phrase it, considering dreams people have been having about me. But anyway, I'm just not into it. It's just another day for people to act like drunken assholes.



Private Post to Ric

If Damon gets slapped the next time I see him, just remember its his fault and he so deserved it.


What a terrifically perfect day it's been. Wow.




I'm hung over and taking on Sea World. Make the noise stop before my head explodes.

The things I do for my little niece.




Halloween Costume rules for my daughter: (she's 11)
-No midriffs exposed
-No weapons
-More skin must be covered than if she was wearing a bathing suit.

Not being unreasonable, am I?




[Blocked from family and Tom Branson]

You know how they say that if you die in your dreams, you die in real life? That isn't true, is it?




Well, I spoke with my dear father regarding certain recent events and was informed that I needed to end my "dalliance" with Katherine or I could forget that I was his son. Apparently he considers my relationship an embarrassment.

It would appear, Nik, that we are now in the same boat.

( Elijah | Katherine )
I do not regret my decision. I love you. And I am not choosing you over my family. I am choosing you over a father who would deny me any shred of happiness.

Now that all is out in the open, I was wondering if you might want to move in with me. If this is rushing things, please do not hesitate to say. I do not want to push you into anything.

( Mikaelsons )
I am still your brother, no matter what our father says. But I could not allow him to control my life moreso than he already did. I love Katherine. Nothing will change that.

Rebekah, I will still be coming to your wedding, obviously. Father will simply have to bite his tongue in that regard if he has a problem with it.




I suppose it's not all horrible. In that dream, I had a fantastic view, and I now know help is coming. I just need to find Sam and we can get off of that hell hole




Today I was asked to pass a particular student, regardless of his performance in the lab, because his great-grandfather donated a large enough sum to have his name engraved on the chemistry department building. Many decades ago.

This does not bode well.




So I kinda just got fired was let go from my psuedo-celebrity bodyguard job.

Can't exactly say I'll miss it, but I'm pretty sure my bills will.

Seems I got three choices:

1) Try to join the local PD
2) Give up on the search for my partner's killer and go back home to face my mother try to rejoin the NYPD
3) Get a different gig altogether around here

Anybody need a former cop with military experience?




I don't understand extreme couponing. It's been on most of the day and I've gotten sucked in. I just don't understand how it's possible to go from a total of over six hundred to a total of fifty cents. It boggles my mind.




I don't like when I take a nap and wake up bawling. Thanks for nothing, you stupid dreams.




... anybody got a shovel I can borrow?




I took the advice of someone and joined the swim team at school. I was worried maybe I wouldn't fit in or something, but I actually just got invited to a Halloween party! My first one! I know everyone's really sick about hearing about Halloween, but I just had to share my excitement with some people who'd actually understand why I'm so happy about it.



Today someone asked me why I was wearing my costume early, and how realistic it looked. They were talking about my burns. I was half-tempted to give him a permanent costume himself.

Bloody Americans. Bloody Halloween. Why are you people preparing weeks in advance for this?