
May 14th, 2013




So, I started a new job last week. And it's great and all, this isn't really about the job anyway.

But I wear suits. And, you know, I have a few different ones, so I don't look like a slob all the time. And today when I got home I realized that I was wearing a suit and tie identical to the ones I died in my dreams? And, you know, subsequently was wearing when I woke up again in my dreams.

My real suit is less blood stained though.

Thank God.

Anyway. Does this happen to people a lot? Like, subconsciously you just put these outfits together without even realizing it?



[Locked from Murphy MacManus]

How do you know if you're gay? I mean, not all the way, this person still likes girls, but he might have fooled around with a guy and really liked it.

It's for a friend.




To those I inadvertently offended:

Cut for discussion of violence/nonconsensual acts )

I have since become aware that there is a colloquial definition for the term, which does in retrospect make the police use of that word quite offensive. I can adapt my own usage, and will, when discussing the subject in a colloquial way. I had no intention of offending anyone, and regret that I did. I never try to be deliberately cruel.

This is why I prefer dogs.




Oh good god, will it never end? Not only do I have to put up with him at work, but he's following me into my dreams as well?

I dreamed I met Bond. But not -- like I really met Bond, it was all very furtive. Like something out of a spy novel. Veiled exchanges in a museum, an exchanging of information, little black suitcases, that sort of thing.

This is just silly.




It was so nice not having to worry about doing ANYTHING for Mother's Day. Well, I might've had a shot or two to celebrate the fact that the old bat is still dead and buried. But other than that, it was just another typical day here in the House of Black.

But anyways, here's a happy belated mother's day to all of the good moms out there.




Oh. My word. Television is just glorious.

And Facebook.

And the two together are just completely incredible.

I'm totally taking credit for my side for this.




It was my deep and fervent hope to never see a war again, after Viet Nam. Being here, in this little occurrence this weekend... I cannot but think that we all of us are lucky. It could have been far worse, and gone on far longer. Even in three and a half days of conflict I feel that life itself was stretched thin.

I saw acts of heroism, and of hate, of cowardice and despair, of hope, and of selfless sacrifice. This was a dark hour and yet, in it, there were people who showed that, here and now, mankind is neither ending, nor doomed. It was... horrible, and I hope to never see it's like again. But if I must, then I would rather see it with such people at my side as I stood with this weekend.

And now, this day done, I am going to go have a meal and wine and do my best to forget, once more, that war exists.




So... It's been a long time coming that I tell the world this. It's hard to accept it to start, even harder to ask others to accept it. A few of you know me personally and already know, a few of you I might have met and spoken to at one point. But I guess it's time for me to do this.

I am a female to male trans* man. I've been in transition for about a 13 months. That surgery I had? It was to remove my chest. I am on hormones and just trying to pass as well as I can. I know some of you might get uncomfortable, and I kind of expect that. But to those that accept me for this, and still choose to use the correct pronouns and name... Then thank you. So very much.

It makes my life easier and makes things calm. Hell, not like I'm telling anyone my legal name anyway.