
April 10th, 2013




And so another birthday passes. I turned seventeen yesterday, April Ninth and it was like any other day, really, other than in addition to school, work, and tutoring, I also had a birthday dinner which just ended, and presents.

Not a bad way to spend the day, really. Hard work, helping people, seeing new things... oh! I tried out this awesome new tea shop today. It's one of the best ones I've seen in California, and has spot on Japanese teas. Awesome!

Being seventeen doesn't fee any different than being sixteen, and somehow, I thought it might. Ah well. I figured I would first poke on here yesterday, but school, tea shop, work, tutoring, and birthday dinners kept me offline until just now. So, hello, Valarnet! I'm Billy Batson, and it's genuinely nice to meet you all.




Well, how about this place? Seems nice enough. It ain't Alabama, but what place is? Besides Alabama.

Let me make my introductions: John Kirrahe, at your service.




Hello, Valarnet. My name is Magnus Bane and I'm in need of a gym. I have an important photo shoot coming up and I need to be in fantastic shape; not that I'm not already, but this is important. So, any suggestions would be great.




Hey, Valarnet.

So, thanks a lot for the suggestions and help a few days ago. I'm not exactly sure what all's going to go down, but you know, the whole reaching out for help thing when you really need it and actually getting responses that are thoughtful and helpful? It makes me feel a whole lot better about my friend and the stuff that's going on with him, pissed as he is that I told the internet, and our other best friend has gone over to stay with him so they can both support each other.

unconscious self injury discussion ) so, long story short, I'm staying with my incredible boyfriend and my amazing future in-laws for a little while, til I can start getting put back together.

No classes for the week or rehearsals or even fencing since I'm supposed to be working on pulling out of my own personal crisis point, according to the hotline that I called to get advice for me. I'm not sure how I feel about letting so many people down. It's kind of hard to just go with it, but I AM going to the doctor tomorrow to at least start addressing some of this. So far, as low stress as it is, as great as Jehan's been with everything, I'm still not managing to handle this, but we're going to keep trying and...hopefully somehow something clicks?

Thanks again for all of the support and everything. It really helped me see that I need to get some stuff straightened out too. With any luck, that's going to happen.




Well, father insisted I come back here, rather than worrying about him all the time... I guess I can't complain. It's warmer here.

Means my body complains less too.




I'd just like to take a moment to apologize to everyone on the network who witnessed my inebriation yesterday. It was entirely unprofessional of me to be posting in such a state and nothing like that will ever happen again. Thank you everyone for your kind words none the less.

Stark Industries would like to pick up the medical bills for anyone who was injured at the Stark-Potts wedding last Saturday afternoon. I'll be dropping by the hospital later today to pay those bills. It's the least we can do.

As an update to the wedding, Tony and I have decided to give it another shot although we will be putting the wedding together a little more quickly this time. I've hired a wedding planner to help me with this en devour. Expect save-the-date cards soon, but as a heads up it will be taking place on May 11th a couple hours outside of Malibu on a lovely little vineyard. I hope everyone will be able to make it out a second time.




I might have gone on a little bit of a shopping spree today and I might have spent a lot of money on a lotta shoes and I might regret nothing.




I dreamed of a hotel in space last night. And a Minotaur that feeds on faith. I'd blame it on what I ate before I fell asleep, but we all know better than that, don't we?



[Locked from Erik Garnier and his students]

There is nothing more exasperating than spending a good ten minutes per lesson sitting there while Mister Garnier attempts to explain to students that what they should be singing is a diminished fifth, not a true fifth. It's like ... You can see them nod and agree, but their eyes glaze over and they obviously have absolutely no idea what is happening.

While I realize not all vocalists read music, at least make an effort to try and absorb some of the information. Singing is all well and good but if you can't sing it right, it's just.


Maybe I'll offer my services and give basic sight reading classes.





Trying again to see if anyone can recommend a good physician. Someone keeps nagging reminding me it's been a while since my last check-in, and I prefer word-of-mouth over looking someone up in the phone book.

I find it much less trying, in any case.




I fell asleep on my couch about four hours ago, and dreamt I was a child again and my father was telling my brother and I stories of old. Like he used to.

Funny how something so normal can turn into something a bit bizarre, isn't it?

[Private to Thor]
Saturday can't come soon enough, it seems. Though it seems unfortunate I should look so much better in gold horns than you do in silver wings. :)




It's my birthday Valarnet! And I'm having a party! Stop by Always mention the net and you're in! First drinks on me!

See you all there party people!




Guess who's got two thumbs and got a promotion?

... me. And everyone else who got a promotion, in theory. Unless they lost a thumb somewhere, in which case, I'm sorry.