
March 25th, 2013




Everyone's always talking on here about the dreams. And for the longest time, that's what I assumed they were... nothing but dreams. But now I'm not so sure anymore. They just seem... I don't know. Too real? Almost as if it's something I've already lived through? It doesn't make a lot of sense.

What threw me was how people from here were in the dreams too. I figured it was because you dream about people you've met, or talked to. But I know things about these people that you'd never tell a stranger. I've done things with them and shared experiences that no one would ever believe.

Here and now, I work for a video game company: Bad Wolf Interactive. But even that name was in my dreams. A certain person IS the Bad Wolf. And she scattered that phrase through space and time, always turning up in the places the three of us travelled to. It gets stranger though. Because of her, I died and was permanently brought back to life. The Doctor said I was "a fact"... a "fixed point in space and time" which means I can never die. In the dreams, there's always people dying... never me. And in the end, no one else from the dreams is there... just Gwen Cooper. Somehow, it always comes down to me and her being the last two standing.

Speaking of space and time, travelling through it was something I did even before climbing into the TARDIS. In my dreams, I was a Time Agent. I grew up in the 51st Century. I spoke with an American accent all the time, instead of my normal British one. And all of it's so completely out of the ordinary that it's not even close to the life I have here.

I feel like I'm starting to lose my mind.


Oh dear, Anthony's much better at this sort of thing than I am.

Hello, then. My name is Arthur and I'm rather new to the area. I'm the owner and proprietor of Fell's Books at [location] so please look for your books elsewhere feel free to stop in and say hello.

I think there's a way to do a smiling face but I forget what it is, so imagine there's one there.

Arthur Fell-Crowley.




Apparently the network thinks it would be a great idea to give me my own video blog... What does one talk about on there and would anyone want to be a guest? I have to at least suffer through a few of them.




I am not sure about anyone else but I always found the Easter bunny a little scary. Or maybe it is just the creep people in the suits.


I think we should start betting on what stupid crap happens next, right?




Ohhhhhhhhhhhhmigosh you guys I'm so excited because there's this REALLY GREAT STORY coming up and I can't wait to be a part of it and okay I absolutely can't tell you but TRUST ME YOU REALLY NEED TO WATCH EVEN IF YOU DON'T WATCH SOAP OPERAS OKAY?!

I'll give you a hint. It rhymes with 'weevil finns'.


Seems to me everything has gone back to a normal pace of crazy. Which is to say, almost normal. No complaints from me, of course. There's work to be done and it's hard to do when roaming around mushrooms or belting out a song. Not that I sang. Which I am pleased for -- I am starting to think that I am, perhaps, immune to the odd magic this county has to offer.

Thank goodness for small favors, hm?




Today is my first day at my new job. I'm taking a late lunch break now, and it was hard to pull myself away from the work. It's all terribly interesting. It feels weird to say so-- I'm a lawyer now. It's not a job. It's a step toward a proper career: one that I've been planning since I was old enough to do so.

I-- am. Well. Happy? Better than I have been in a very, very long time. And I have a lot of reasons to be thankful for that.


Spring break is coming up! I can't tell you guys how excited I am for a break from homework. I'm SO excited, in fact, that I have absolutely no idea what I'm going to do with the time off.





I want to thank everyone who came out Saturday night to watch me. Might not have been a big stadium or anything like that, but being back up on a stage was amazing. Can't wait to do it again this coming Saturday.

Draco, I have something I'd like to ask you.




So, it's really weird to wake up after such a vivid dream... I felt like I was already awake that whole time.

It turns out, that in my dreams... I'm basically just me. With a cooler coat, and an insatiable need to take over the world. But that's just repetition now, isn't it?


Oh. Also. Have a picture because it's a day. )


Well. That was a bracing weekend.


No one gave me the standard prescription for getting over a long term relationship.

Is it 12 tubs of Ben & Jerry's or 24?




I hate my dreams. I hate how they're so similar to real life, and different at the same time.

I miss my mother more now than ever, after tonight... And I hate how that makes me feel weak. I wonder, a little, if she is really dead. Is that stupid?




I've been so wrapped up in my dreams lately it's sometimes hard to remember that I'm not just the Doctor. I'm also John Smith. I'm a writer. A novelist.

That said, I'd be very happy to invite you all to my book release party. It's a bit less than two weeks -- the Wednesday after next. [Address] My publisher is throwing it, and it's going to be a low key sort of affair, so no need to really dress up.

My book will be available for purchase, too, as it hits the shelves on the next day. If you're interested in books about adventures, travel, pirates and and space dinosaurs, I think you might like it.


OH MY GOSH. I finally got my computer back from the shop! It's been a long week without it! But I tripped over the cord and cracked the screen. SO SAD.

But it's better now! And it's starting to feel like Spring, isn't it? SO WONDERFUL.




No more need to hide in offices that aren't mine due to singing sprees. Everything is so abrupt in this place. Start. Stop. Sing. Dance. Done.

I'm pleased for it this time.

It's the early shift today, then I'm free for the day. Not sure what to do with it, yet.



We just thought we'd remind you. There will be more details soon about party + venue + everything we expect from life, and everything you promised us.

In the meantime:

Tonks: Hope the rest of your birthday went well!
Percy: You're coming to our party. You do not have a choice in the matter.
Ginny: Ready for charity work and favors from us in return? We're thinking Wednesday.
Percy's Better Half: Read above. Minus the favor part.
Hermione: ... We got nothing. We just wanted to include you in our list.
Verity: Hi. We can see you working. Over there. Behind that thing. Yeah. You.

Midna Not-Weasley: BRONCHITIS: Ain't nobody got time for it.




Those who can recognise people from their dreams are intensely lucky. I... seem to be alone.

There's the Doctor. The TARDIS. The wonderful adventures. But when I wake, I see nothing of that world. At least this means no Mr Sin Maybe that is for the best.


Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhmygosh, it's just a little ridiculous that anyone expects you to get up at seven a.m. for a photoshoot. I mean, come on! Who does that?

I mean, other than this photographer.




We need to decide where to hang the artwork we won in the auction on Saturday. It was quite an enjoyable time, I must say.




The Spring Fling is this weekend! I can't believe I only have the rest of the week to finish planning. I'm so behind on everything! But at least next week is Spring Break and I can take a beat to myself and relax. Elena, we are so totally laying by the pool like every day next week, okay?




So glad everything's calmed down. Even if I feel a little uneasy with

...I've just jinxed us, haven't I?


I don't understand.

Why do action figures rarely resemble the people they are intended to?

The Batman is not nearly that obese.


I wish to confront the scurrilous rumors by the newspapers and set the record straight.

My name is Jean Valjean, and I was an inmate in La Santé Prison for six years during my youth for petty robbery.

I served my time, and was released, moving to the United States for a fresh start. I am a free man, and while I regret the deception it seemed the best course at the time.

Your understanding and appreciation of my family's privacy is most welcome during this time.




For as long as I live I will never forget this match. )

Reminds me of the early days with the lads down the green. Dinnae matter how cold or dark it got you dinnae leave the pitch until the match was set. Playing in the ice slag, using drifts to your advantage even as you would tug a jersey. Bloody brilliant. Playing in the rain donnae even come close.

I envy those lads in Colorado. Snow coming down sideways and I bet nae a one of them ever felt the cold for the passion in their hearts.



Locked from Isabela.

So, if you were going with your live-in boyfriend to a work function of his, and he booked the VIP suite and some massages and spa ... stuff (seaweed wraps had better be code for free sushi), that's romantic, right?

Just making sure the girlfriend won't punch me in the face.




Is it possible to acquire photosensitivity as one ages? I've never heard of it. Maybe I'm just getting migraines or something.