
March 24th, 2013



[Text Messages]

[Pretend these were sent Saturday afternoon]

[Texts to Courfeyrac]
>> Sorry I didn't say bye before I left.
>> My brother came to get me cause I was kind of pissed.
>> Lame, huh?
>> From the sounds of it, I left just before all the debauchery.

[Texts to Jon Snow]
>> I know I said it a bunch, but thanks again for coming to get me last night.
>> Tell you *secret boyfriend* that I'm sorry for interrupting things.

[Texts to Gendry Waters]
>> Thanks again for driving me to get my car after the game.
>> Next time lunch is on me.

[Text to Beth Cassidy]
>> I need your help.




I wonder. If I wrote a movie based upon my dreams, would anyone watch it?

Isabela, obviously, you'll be one of the starring characters. You'd approve who I cast as you.

Pirates, templars, and lots of nighttime trysts in tents. I'll have to figure out the locations, it'd be hard to shoot in tents.



[Pretend this was posted late this morning/early this afternoon before his text]

I think that we can all say that last night went about as well as any of us who know better expected, and that I owe several people apologies for some of the things I said and did last night, and into this morning. I'll save those for when my head is not pounding with the force of a herd of... Courfeyrac, presumably you know what type of dinosaur pounds around in herds so I can use this metaphor properly? The force of a herd of something at any rate. Those apologies will be forthcoming when I can make myself properly ashamed enough to care.

At the moment though, I would really like to learn who is responsible for (Insert image file of his waistcoat here) this Thing being on my person when I woke. Just who in their right mind comes up with it. I do not intend to wear it. Ever.

((OOC: Some images of the waistcoat)) )




I remember sleep. Before the nightmares. I kind of miss it. And that's why I'm still awake.

Anyone else scared to fall asleep? Not in a Nightmare Before Elm Street way, in a not wanting to dream horrible things way.


[[someone just woke up after Courf's party... somehow at his own place]]

My friends are all amateurs.

In related news, I now own an espresso machine. Marius, I may need you to teach me how to use it. It is defiantly standing in the way between me and coffee.

Instead, I shall go to the cafe.

If I can find a clean shirt that's actually my own.

backdated to yesterday, sometime in the morning

Nous sommes bien. For the record.

No drunken shenanigans culminating in arrest this time. ....Only very bad hangovers. Anyone have any good cures? Grantaire suggests McDonald's burgers usually but I don't touch McDonald's.




I've been doing a lot of soul searching lately. Not of the heavy sort, I suppose but just to figure out how I got to where I am. I want to set a good example for anyone that comes after me, but sometimes I feel like I've left nothing for them. Sure, I have a lot of things to show for my accomplishments. But legacies? I'm not even quite sure what those are.

I need some help. What sort of things would you pass on to future generations if you could? Advice and anything else really.




You ever get the feeling you're being watched?

And I mean not followed. That you're absolutely sure no one's on your six tail at all, but that you've still got that itch.

I hate that.




What's this? A social network that's previously gone unheard of by me? Can't have that, can we.

I won't lie. I've flicked through and read some of the open posts lurking on here. It's not that I'm sneaky or anything, I just like to know what I'm getting into, right? And you all seem like bang-up people. Also, a guy can never have too many friends/acquaintances/etc. On that note, I'm Anthony, and I work at [firm], and I highly suggest you bring all of your investment needs my way. Seriously. I'm really good at that stuff.

Also - I have to ask. Is there a good place to feed the ducks? My husband is really, really concerned about this and it might ease his culture shock a little.

PS. I'm in need of a good physician, the regular, family practitioner sort that offers routine check-ups. Any recommendations?


Hi, um.....my friend, Steven, told me I should join this board.




Because I seem to be a collector of stuff, I've found a little keychain pendant that has the scrabble tile Q on one side, and 'Keep Calm and Carry On' on the other. It was really too perfect to resist, and now resides on my far too large for its own good key chain.

I'm not even certain what half these keys are for, anyway.




Well today's game was... interesting, to say the least. I got smashed in the nose, which hurt like hell (someone got a video of me after the game, as you can see).I'll probably have a black eye for a few days, but it was worth it because we ended up winning the game.

We didn't win anything, per se, as it's all in fun. But we did keep score this time and my team was the one with the most points.

Besides, it'll be a fun story to tell.


Okay, barely survived the quarter. Spring Break isn't coming fast enough.

Who's up for a party to celebrate?


I forgot how much I like American hamburgers in the last year. Europe's lovely, but it's just not the same, though there's a distinct lack of chaos over there. My mother wouldn't shut up about all the insanity over in the States.

Anyway, now that I'm settled in after my trip, I'd like to start offering piano or voice lessons to anyone who's interested. College kid needing extra money and all that. Price would depend on level of skill.