
February 8th, 2013







An Open Letter To Whoever Is Dating My Godfather:

Dear woman who has somehow been suckered into dating Oliver Queen,

I am so so very sorry. ...No that's unfair to him and you, I mean you probably got sucked in by the charm, a lot of people have over the years and he's not that bad, really, just...

Ollie and relationships are just one of those things. It doesn't tend to go well in the long term mostly because he manages to somehow fuck them up for himself a few months down the line. I mean, he doesn't do it on purpose but he sort of self sabotages and you'll end up incredibly annoyed and disgusted before very long.

It isn't that he's not a good man. It's more that he's, well, you know the term manchild? I think that it was actually invented for how he approaches personal relationships. You know the bull and china shop cliche? That's Ollie in relationships.

God knows, I don't want to know about whether or not the sex is good, I'm assuming it is, because most of his relationships tend to feature awesome sex, according to him, but uh, be warned that outside of the sex, you're dealing with a whole new set of issues you might not be aware of right now.

I'm sure you're really an awesome gal and all, but uh...from someone who has known him for 20 years now ,and lived with him for six of them...

I just thought it was fair to warn you.

-Roy Harper




I wasn't Dumbledore's biggest fan, but I didn't want the guy dead, or anything. There was a good turnout at the funeral, though.

Was a pretty shitty start of a pretty terrible day.


"Fairness isn't everybody getting the same thing. It's everybody getting what they need to be successful."

That came up in class today, and while I totally agree, I'm not exactly sure how to about making it happen in a classroom. Everything's so standardized right now that it's terribly depressing, actually. But having been the one not getting what they needed, and lagging behind, and having been given what I need to be successful I can definitely attest to just how true it is.

Any thoughts on how to go about it? This project is killing me and I could use the break to do some online chatting.




You know, the Dark Agency suck. Like, a whole lot. They suck at pretending they're not evil too.

The observation comes to you from my crazy, crazy dreams.




Starting a new project at work this upcoming week. Should mean more hours away from my family. Though, it is thankfully temporary.

I'll blame my strange dreams on the long hours at work then. Dreaming about Death Eaters and Wizards

[Private to Remus Lupin]
My company is testing a new line of synthetic insulin for diabetics. If you or anyone you know is interested in the trials, please let me know. We're looking for diabetics to test the new medication. There's compensation for subjects involved.




How's it going boys and squirrels?

I finally got my computer set up to my liking, and I'm kind of new around here so I figured I should pop up and say hi.


What's new and good?




Countdown to my last couple of hours of my first week working for Stark Industries. A really great first week if a little awkward. I think I'm going to like it here. This is the beginning of a beautiful friendship, so to speak.


A couple of friends clued me in to this network thing, so I thought I'd say hello. My name is Sif. It's Norse, and please don't call me Siffy. It brings back bad grade school memories.

I'm going to be starting work at Orange City Hall soon, and I figure I ought to state up front that anything I write on this network is my opinion only, and does not reflect the opinions of City Hall. I'd like to not lose my job before it starts.

That said, speaking as a private citizen, I wanted to make you all aware of the Immigrant March. Anyone of any ethnicity is welcome, as hey, we're all immigrants except for the Native Americans, really. We're starting at the downtown university campus, and winding up at city hall as we march for the rights of undocumented immigrants and refugees. It's tomorrow, from 9 until whenever we arrive. We got the paperwork all set, so I don't think anybody will get arrested, but we'll see.




As much as I miss New England at times, I'll be honest and say that I'm glad I'm not there now. I was on the phone with my mom during my break and not only have they declared a state of emergency, but they have a driving ban too. This could be a historic storm. It's crazy, because they didn't even react that way here when it snows back in December and New England is used to snow.

So, Gwen suggested that I write down my dreams and I was curious if anyone else kept dream journals, either about the other world dreams or just regular dreams.




My father-in-law is trying to make me into a chess master. It is not going well for him. I feel like I am coming to terms with being of average intelligence.


I joined this message board last week, but I wanted to wait a while to make sure I wasn't the oldest person here. It seems I am not, so...

Hello. My name is George. I live in Anaheim. I work in advertising. I have a dog that will very willingly sport a bow-tie.

Uggie )




Does anyone here teach archery? I have a really non-standard bow and my own arrows. I can sort of use it, I just want to get better.


Has anyone looked into the fact that Orange County as a whole tends to be a big, huge magnet for fucked up shit? Once is a happening. Twice is a coincidence. Three times is data.




I know everybody feels like this sometimes, but I'd really like to know why life decided to make me its bitch this month. I didn't do anything wrong, I was happy doing normal things like a normal person, then boom! Murphey's law kicks my ass, hard.

It's all gone to shit since I got that crazy flu. I want things to go right for once.




Filtered to Deryn )

Filtered to Toph )