
December 26th, 2012




I had an amazing Christmas! Santa brought me everything I asked for! I got the soldering iron that I wanted, and the Arduino, so I can start making robots. My Father got me a Kindle Fire, but he got upset when I took it apart. Jeez, Dad, I wanted it for the parts! And my mother got me a pink sweater. Pink? Really?

Did everyone else have a lovely holiday? I hope so! I'm back to work now. If anyone needs me, I'll be under a car!




My God.

I want to never do that again. I'm told that in addition to the lovely post I put on here because I somehow thought it was a good idea, that there is a hidden video of all of us. My friends are assholes, and I say that because, upon reviewing the facts, I only remember drinking the one drink from the one glass all evening but no one accidentally becomes drunk enough to do, well, all of that, without some help.

Or one glass of wine does that to me, which scientifically speaking doesn't hold any weight. I am so very, very sorry to have done that to your christmas. On the other hand, I think I made a certain friend's. Suffice it to say, I am not going to the parties ever, EVER again.

Contemplating the breakfast burrito idea but there's no way I'll be eating anything today unless things rapidly change.

My parents, if I go home, are going to find this hilarious and normal and be sympathetic but tell me not to beat myself up, but I think I like self flagellation a little too much right now. This is what "normal" people in my class do at parties?

I think I'd rather go ahead and die, thank you.




At least that's over.

27 days until I get myself out of here.

Sorry sis, no amount of dream conversations with you is ever going to make a thing about the current situation even remotely okay. I'll do the sobriety thing on my own thanks, just as soon as I legally can't be kept here.




Today, my perfect shooting streak came to an end. Just as well, it was starting to get boring and not really an accomplishment anymore since I knew the outcome every time. That said, I think the extra practices I threw in the last week really, really helped because it's...better. Not spectacular but solid enough I think I'm going back on the circuit in a few months, if they're still willing to have me, and that I don't feel weird about going back to work now.

So, all's well that ends well, or something to that effect.

Also, I would like you all to meet what Ollie appeared with in the parking lot yesterday. Note to self, never use textual sarcasm with him again.

so this is a new thing in my life )

I do not even. What the Hell? It was laughing at me, Ollie was laughing at me and the whole thing was just kind of hilarious and weird and I was glad I sprang for that Budha Whatever Trip Certificate for him after all. But seriously. No more sarcasm about stuff like that. Now I have to work out what to DO with it.

You win this year, Oliver. Next year will be mine.




I did it. Somehow, through some miracle of whatever power that be that we want to hold responsible, personally I prefer Cthulhu because who doesn't love him and wish to gain enough favor to be eaten first but you try bringing that one up in open court, so we leave it open and say Act Of God there, but never specify which ONE, I managed to pull off Christmas.

There were no fires. No ER visits, no horrible family drama sneaking around to rear its ugly head. It was actually a decent couple of days with family members who I actually don't want to kill, I got books and scotch, and a demented new years eve tie that flashes and plays music, and my house is actually still standing.

I'm kind of amazed it all went off without a hitch.


That was tedious.




No. No! Noooooo!





Well, this wish business has taught me something. Worrying about the dreams is making me miserable. I've only considered them with any kind of seriousness for a week, and the week in which I couldn't remember them was intensely more relaxing and enjoyable. So until there's something I can do about them and the people that cause them, I suppose I should just attempt to enjoy the ride.

Hopefully that will get easier as they progress. Like a private soap opera, where I'm the dramatic star/villain. Honestly, it will be easy to think of her as a different person, so I really shouldn't feel so traumatized.

Private to Jean Grey
Are you planning anything? I know this is short notice, but I need to make up for all those times I let my personal angst get the best of me. Well, time. I don't think I'm going to flog myself for being shaken up after the robot attack.

If you're busy on New Year's Eve, we should go get pedicures at your earliest convenience. My toenails are in terrible shape, and the shoes you got me require a cooler color if I intend to coordinate. They are lovely, by the way.

Stark's party will probably be worth a visit. The food is usually fantastic, and he's quite liberal with his alcohol.




Hey Pepper?

I think we should have a New Year's party. Can we have a New Year's party? I think it's a good idea.

Please? I'm asking permission so that means it's okay right?

Locked to Agency Employees/Assets

Since you lot don't have proper Boxing Day traditions, you all are suffering through mine.

Food's in the break room, feel free to help yourselves. Tea will be shortly.




Hope everybody had a wonderful Christmas Day! Mine was quiet but kind of nice. Our first one away from home too.

We hardly ever get a white Christmas in Ireland and we never expected it in California but it was so great to be able to build snowmen after dinner.

Anybody know why Boxing Day isn't really a thing here? I'm interested to know. I got such a strange look when I mentioned it earlier.




I just realized I don't have to wear my uniform back to school on the 3rd! ... I'm probably going to because I'm lazy, but I don't have to. Then it's just four short months until it's May and I get to frantically pack for whatever uni I've decided to go to by that point. Probably Pepperdine, they're recruiting me pretty heavily because of my mum.

I'm quite disappointed I haven't gotten to go to a pool party yet. I bought four swimming suits. Four!




Christmas is the most boring day. Everyone is so concerned with spending time with their families, the clubs are closed and there's nothing to do. Plus everyone is in their houses so there's no place to go steal I propose a hedonist Christmas next year. I'll have it at my place in Emerald Bay. All of the attractive people can come over and we'll just have a big orgy.

Yes. I like this plan.




I need a coffee.




Okay, so I'm totally spending the day after Christmas in Mexico every year. It's gorgeous here. And thank god my boobs are back to normal. I'm never making another wish again, sarcastic or no. I didn't realize how much huge ones hurt, Jesus.




We're going to have the most amazing Epiphany party in the universe. We've got an amazing trio for the Three Wise Men, and the costumes are almost finished. The Sunday School has been practicing the Little Drummer Boy song to perform in front of the whole congregation. I'm so proud of the progress we've all made!

If anyone is interested in attending, it'll be Sunday, January 6th, after the regular 10:30am service. St. Luke's Episcopal, Irvine, CA.