
December 2nd, 2012




Don't you hate it when a dream wakes you up before sunrise, and you can't get back to sleep?

[Private to Draco]
I learned to duel last night. Wanna give it a try? ;)




I was the cat lady again. The polyjuice potion backfired, aand I had to spend time in the hospital wing to have the fur removed. Not the best way to spend the Christmas Holidays.

I've never really understood the appeal of larger than life Valentine's day greetings. There were Dwarves in my dream dressed as Cupids. Bizarre, right?




Hey, listen, Rarity... I'm sorry I was such a bitch when we crashed at Twilight's place. I'm not really like that here. I don't know, sometimes I feel like these dreams are sending me some kinda warning... what not to do?




In my dreams I'm a vampire. Who else is a vampire?
Are there other mythical creatures
I've read about unicorns, but

Let's have a contest. Strangest powers in dreams. Go.




It's odd how suddenly having free time on your hands can make for a weird mood. Being on medical leave from work, and having to take it easy, period, makes life odd when you're used to being active. There's a sense of wrongness to not being able to work out right or run, or all the little things that I'm used to doing.

I sense that I'll be reading a whole lot more this couple of weeks. Anyone have any recommendations? As I've not read much lately due to work, I am open to anything, really.




Is it possible to feel guilty about how well things turn out? I mean everything was pretty shitty until Selina showed up, but now, life is just so good.

I just feel guilty. Not everyone gets pulled out of the gutter like that.




...My hair...

...They took my hair...

I can't...


Does anyone here know of someone who teaches self defense classes?


Senior year, head flyer, team captain, and we're going to fucking nationals. I kind of feel invincible.

Alma, want to go out to dinner soon? Like a date? I know you liked the movies.


I am really going to have to call my mum and make sure she hasn't taken up with some cult. I dreamt last night that she was in a cult religion of some kind with a lot of large horned men. Not horny men, horned. Like, ram horns on the head. And when I wouldn't convert, she sold me to a man.

Definitely not funny. I might have to look into what's giving me these mad dreams.




So. The dream thing kinda happened over at Chez Thea.

It was...kinda weird, really. And kind of my brain deciding to mess with me too I think.

I had a brother. the guy who is apparently my real dad's kid, how weird is that He'd been lost on an island for five years and we'd declared him dead. Like Livvie all over again. His name is even Oliver. Stop it, brain. Just stop it. My dad died in the shipwreck too I guess, but he didn't come back. I missed him too. it's weird having parents you MISS. In this dream my brother had just come back. He said he'd missed me and that I'd been with him every moment.

He called me Speedy, whatever that means, and we were messed up really bad, but we were happy too, at least right then. Only one other person's ever had a nickname for me, and she's long gone and isn't coming back.

Why do these dreams have to remind me all of that? I'd rather be a pony princess or a superhero or werewolf or something. Or have my sister here again. I only...

So needless to say, sleep didn't really happen.




Has anyone had a mad dream and then woken up and ... been capable of things?




She reminds me of my sister....




I have had the best couple of weeks of my life. I think my girlfriend is a good luck charm.




I need a vacation. One of our major projects here at work just died a spectacular death, thanks to ONE idiot! There's a reason we make back-ups of everything... just because the project is nearing completion does NOT mean you wipe all the old files "to make space for new ones".

We keep them because if something goes wrong and the working files get corrupted, WE HAVE A BACK-UP TO DO A RESTORE!!!

Needless to say, he's done. Fired. Canned. Sacked.

But now, my team is back to starting from scratch. The only good thing is that since it was just a patch for an existing game, it shouldn't take more than a month to redo it all. But it does mean lots of overtime, me having to work at home, AND doubling as a code monkey to get us back on track.

Anyone want to distract me? Even if it's just for an evening or a few hours?




I've barely been here a week and I'm already having strange dreams. Can't even think what could've brought them on. I don't even like sci-fi