
November 13th, 2012




Are there any good art stores around here? I find that I want to do some drawing or painting or something. I am not very good at it but it is a good stress reliever after a thirteen hour shift at the hospital. My walls in my apartment is kind of bare to.




Is it Friday yet? It was one of those I need a shot or two type of Mondays. Is it in people's genetic code to be difficult? All I ask if for you to make up your mind ahead of time and very few people can do that.

Makes me think that it's time for a party this weekend, nothing too wild mind you. Just some drinks by the pool.




Anyone actually crazy enough to shop on Black Friday? I mean I'm seeing all these ads and wondering if it's actually worth it. Worth the risk of getting trampled over, in fights with other people, and standing in lines that take forever. It's probably easier to shop online.




Weasleys! Where are you hiding?

Yes, it's that time of year again and I've been roped into helping mum with Thanksgiving dinner. I'm supposed to ask you all if you're coming but we all know that means you better be there and on time. Is there anything specific you lot would like, outside the usual things?

I expect you all to relieve me of dish duty too since I am going to be helping with the cooking.




Apparently, Justice Sotomayor was on sesame street to talk about careers. Personally, your chances of becoming a lawyer who makes money are about the same as becoming a princess, even if I do, for one, welcome our future pink and fluffy overlord (overlady?).





Finnick asked me to marry him and I said yes!!!!

I just need the world to know! I'm going to marry the man of my dreams.



Either the flu is going around, or half my department wanted a longer weekend.
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