
November 9th, 2012



Seriously, that does it. Anyone here want to teach me how to drive? Car, motorcycle, llama - I don't care, but I ran out of fags and hitched a ride and the guy was super skeevy and that wasn't so much fun.

I could pay someone for lessons if I had to, but I don't even know if that's a thing.




I do wish I could sleep. I have things to do in the morning.




I don't know about you guys, but I had a FANTASTIC night last night.

Happy Friday.




My morning so far:




Victoria! I have done it! Today is truly a day for celebration!



So Valarnet

November 1st, I woke up with a whip clenched in my hand, wearing nothing but a fedora, next to a huge rock in the park. You know, I only wish the circumstances were as fun as that suggests. Indy didn't even get one of the cute students while I was busy being him, much less the hot Nazi.
And here I'd thought that was really gonna be worth it. Was it the height? It could've been the height, the public display? Something else? I really don't have any kind of memory of what I id that night other than the vaguely chasing and being chased by stuff.

And I might've stolen an idol from props storage, slashing the whip at an unfortunate assistant in there while I was at it. And this all sounds a whole lot more porn set up exciting than it actually was. Long story short? I've been laying low since all of that went down, since I don't really want to TALK about it.

Even if it did give me some great ideas for our next season opener.

Also, I found this awesome...thing while fooling around online:


It's actually safe, I swear. A delicious cake is the star. There's also crossdressing, drama, and just the right balance of crack and drama to make things stick out. Highly, HIGHLY recommended stuff here.




I got the job! I start Monday!