
October 25th, 2012



Just woke up.

...I have a baby. A daughter.

I'm a father. Of the most adorable baby ever.

...In the dreams, I mean. Not here, obviously, or I guess, not here yet? Maybe? I'm honestly not sure but...

I can have kids there, even though I'm just a thing. I have something Real Roy never had. I've helped create the most amazing person IN my dreams so far, and my wife there was keeping her away from me, and had left me herself because this sick obsession with finding Real Roy was destroying me, and it would have destroyed THEM if I had let it. I had had my head so far up my ass that I didn't even know I had a kid, wasn't there when she was born, and missed out on the part where she got my hair and had a bunch of it grow in and everything.

How old ARE babies when they can hold their heads up and have hair? Because I missed all of that being sunk in my insane and crazy fool idealistic crusade. I can't...

That isn't gonna happen here. If there's a Lian in my future, I'm going to do it right. I want to get better.

I AM going to get better.

...I hope when I go back to sleep, I can see her again.




...I'm not sure if this is genius or not.




What is the best Halloween candy to hand out? Figured I should get something good for the kiddies in the neighborhood but isn't all candy, candy? Not like I am one of those downers that give out toothbrushes or something of the sort but what is the top candy on the candy hierarchy? Personally I would rather have a Snickers than say M&Ms, but how can you hate M&Ms?




Best Halloween movie. I have to ask since it's practically Halloween and I have no social life so I am thinking of renting a movie.




I'm looking for a booty call.

Please ignore this previous post, its been a long day and my sister was not in her right mind - John Connor




I guess Taylor Swift and her boyfriend broke up. Honestly, who cares about that sort of thing? A couple of girls in line in front of me at the bookstore on campus were talking about it as if they actually knew these people.




Kissing girls. Not so bad.




I do not usually do this kind of thing but it has been pointed out to me at work that maybe I am not the most approachable person. Guys are intimidated by my looks and the girls think I am prissy, perfect, and things come too easy to me. So as an ice breaker lets play two truths and a lie, without the alcohol, as it is apparently a good way to get to know people. I will go first and people can try to guess which is the lie and leave their own if they want me or others to guess.

1. My first kiss was a girl.
2. My parents have had my DNA tested to prove who my father is.
3. I had a pregnancy scare when I was 16.


I've never seen the point to these things.




Well. That was interesting.

I'd say the vampire dreams were just because of the time of year, but... they're too similar to the other strange dreams I've had.