
August 31st, 2012



I slept horribly. And all of these students are acting insane. What is going on?


So this is me.. trolling the internet.. for a date to the gala.

Fair warning, I haven't had a date in um, several years. Maybe more. I figure this is a good idea to get out and meet people.


Tomorrow, it all begins. My life really begins.

I'm leaving home, moving into student housing, starting art school. I'll be in the shop on Saturdays--although we're closed this weekend for the holiday.

It's all happening.

[Private to Nemo]

Can I see you one last time, before I go?




Well, London was awesome and all, but there's something to be said for being home, too.

I missed my bed! And my guns. Big hugs for my guns!

I stopped by my shop briefly and was completely horrified by what they'd managed to do to the displays while I was gone. Between that and trying to find a dress to Tony's Gala Thing, my week is already looking swamped.

I guess I'm glad I took a week or so off to be lazy now.




Everyone's going to some stuffy, fancy dance this week. Even old Uncle Iroh sent his tux off to the cleaners. I didn't even know he had one of those, but hey, I only just met the guy a few weeks ago.

The last dance I went to? Some idiot spiked the punch, and my date drank too much of it, started dancing up on the stage to try and show off his moves to me, then jumped on the crowd like he was just going to crowd surf.

Crowd surf. At homecoming. Sure, guy. You're so awesome.

He got a concussion, of course. When he fell on the floor. And then puked on me on the way to the hospital. Yeah, we don't talk anymore. The week after that was seriously awkward.




So who's all going to the Gala? And when is it happening?


So I am babysitting little children for what I think will end up being this entire weekend.

This should be interesting.