
August 17th, 2012




Catching up with people is weird. I mean you've got all those people who seem happy to see you, when you haven't seen them in a while. Then you've got the people who don't remember you, and those that don't want anything to do with you. You know what? They all look at you the same way. Like you've changed. Whatever the reason you were away, they look at you like they don't know you anymore. Because you went and had all this shit happen to you that they weren't there for. Your life didn't revolve around them for a while and now you're a stranger.

It's fucking weird.

Can't blame them really, I mean life moves on when you're not there. People change when you're not there as much as you change. They're not really the same person when you left either. So you look at them, and they look at you.

All you can do is move on. Get back in and act like you weren't gone? I just don't know how you're supposed to act around people anymore.




Never watching fight club before bed again, ever.




Another fine example of the "you're not my REAL dad anyway" argument completely derailed tonight's dinner. Clearly, I should have stayed in Nottingham.




Who's got two thumbs and the most beautifully delicious wedding cake taking up most of her fridge space?

That's right, it's me. :D

Cinderella Cakes did an amazing job.

Operation: Keep Groom From Eating Cake is go.