
July 19th, 2012



Back to Sanity.

...I think I might have overdone it on the caffeine a couple weeks ago. Wound up in the hospital with an overdose, dehydration, and apparently exhaustion. Not that this is news anymore, but it's the first time I've POSTED since then, so...that's what's been going on.

I've been given the go ahead to hop back into stuff at work full time, but they told me to cut down on the extra curriculars for a while. Which means I'm quitting baseball, and I've handed over a couple of the seminars and workshops I was conducting. Still leaves me a lot of stuff to do, but not quite AS much, meaning I'm probably a lot better off mentally. Hopefully.

How is everyone posting to this valarnet? Anything to know about besides the dead polar bear in the canyon or what?


Er, Tali? Just noticed a button on my coffeemaker that I'm not sure was there before and I'm a bit too afraid to just try pushing it.




Somebody took it upon themselves to redecorate my bathroom and I don't want to come across as ungrateful. But. I really liked my bathroom the way it was. I really liked the black marble on the floor and walls and the handmade wooden bathtub. It was huge, smooth, polished and comfortable.

Again, it's not that I'm ungrateful and it's not that it looks horrible now. It's just that I find it appalling because it's tinted pink. And what makes it even worse is that I'm the one who's paying all the bills. And I didn't even notice it was being done until it was done.

Somebody tell me again what's so great about being clean and sober?


I just know it when I'm delivering a love letter.
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Remember those grey hairs I was complaining about the other day? I woke up with the exact hair from my dreams this morning. It grew about a foot and turned completely white. I barely recognize myself. I might try to cut and dye it, but... will it just turn back? God, I am freaking out here. And I don't know who to trust about the rest of my dreams.

[Secure filter to Steve Rogers]

Hey Steve. I don't really know who else to turn to with.. some dream stuff. I can't trust my brother, or my boss and everyone else in my life.. well, I don't trust them either. Is it completely strange that I trust you with this stuff? I just need someone to talk to, if you don't mind?




This is an interesting concept. I'm curious to see if it'll actually work in practice.


You know, every time a fella says something like 'now I've seen it all,' life comes along to make him look like the damn fool he is. Word to the wise? Don't jinx yourselves. Just don't. You'll be thanking your stars when some other idiot has to corral an ostrich on the freeway at three in the morning.




So a close friend of mine has seen a lot of enemy fire and stuff. You know. Battle veteran and the whole nine yards. Doesn't really trust a lot of people, especially doctors, scientists, etc. Who can blame the guy?

He really needs some help though, and I was wondering if anyone out there had some recommendations for a shrink that was used to handling people like that. I thought I might call around and see if I could get him to come in and talk to someone.

Anyone have some names for me?


Well, that solves the mystery of how dream-me became sheriff. Worth a try, I suppose: Emma Swan or Mr. Gold?

And because that will utterly fail, hello to the rest of Valarnet. To save this from being a completely wasted post, a fact that I've learned today: male platypi have a venomous spur on their hind legs. Just when you thought they couldn't be any stranger, right?