
June 17th, 2012




Something I have just found )




We are not related. Thank God.


I won one of them fancy computer doohickeys at a raffle last week! Now that I finally figured out how to get it working I reckon it'd be a good time say howdy to all my neighbors on this net thingie.

I'm Anna-Jean Macintosh, but everyone calls me AJ. It's a real pleasure to meet ya'll!




Hello, Valarnet!

My name is Clarice and I'm here to offer two tickets to my theatre's version of William Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing, this coming Thursday.

Simply reply to this post in a private comment with the answer to a trivia question, and at midnight tonight I'll randomly select from the correct answers.

How many plays did Shakespeare pen?




I think I'll just sit on my hands and watch Shaun of the Dead and hope I don't fall asleep.




Well, I might actually have a gig. There's a listening room, otherwise known as a very small venue, over by Irvine. Anyway, local band needs an opener. Guess who they've heard playing in the park?




When I die, my tombstone should read thus:

Obi-Wan Kenobi
A man of unique skills, and Master of nothing.

Because I swear, if ONE MORE THING comes flying at my head!

What a beautiful morning. I think I'll spend it shopping for a new dresser.




Hello Valarnet. My name is Anya Christina Emanuela Jenkins. It's not a pleasure to meet you. Today I woke up at noon, ate a tub of uncooked cookie dough and watched the Price Is Right. Who is this fat guy and what happened to Bob Barker?

This is the purpose of this journal, correct? To tell people who do not care what you are doing with your day? That's all I ever see from it. I thought I would return the favor.








I've never really used the internet much, but it seems like a good way to meet new people. Or that's what Nandi said. Please bare with me while I figure all of this out. My name is Inara Serra, I'm from... well, I'm from a lot of places.




I miss my dad. Thank goodness for Skype, though.


Happy father's day to all you pas, grandpas and pas-to-be out there!

My Party, Let Me Invite you to it!

I've finally decided what we are doing, and how, and I am inviting the whole valarnet because it is in a public place anyway. If you want to bring something, bring food, and/or, a career counselor. We are celebrating that I've graduated from UCLA and things, and I have to look as if I have friends, and am a functional adult. So, to accomplish that...we're playing Boosaball!

Haven't heard of it? Neither had I before I started thinking about fun things to do at a party, so beach boosaball it is. We're meeting at [Specific Section of beach} on July 7th for games, and fun and crazy. You can learn more about it and how the rules work here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bossaball.

This is going to be amazing!




Does anyone know where a man could get some chimichangas? I'm really hankering for some chimichangas.

Okay, wait. Hold on. Brain had an idea. Which isn't really that common because brain's ideas usually suck. Brain wants to make chimichangas.




My dads are here!

My dads came in to visit me so we could spend Father's Day together and they just called Uncle John to let them know their plane had landed. They're here for a few days next week so that we can have some vacation time together and I'm pretty excited to show them around and introduce them to people I know and things.

I know I can't wait for them to meet Michiru who I'm kind of following around and vice versa for whatever reason this week. I think they're really good to like her and be happy that I've made a friend that's a good female role model and stuff, and she's really... I LIKE spending time with her and I think I'm learning a lot about, you know, Being An Adult from seeing how she does things.

We're going to go out to dinner, the whole group, somewhere really nice, and then coming back here to have the really cute cupcakes I made here's a picture ) and I'm not sure what we're doing tomorrow or anything. We'll probably talk more about that later.

Anyway, I'm really glad they're here and I should finish getting ready for us to go out and things. I have a really cute idea for my hair that I want to practice using and then I need to pick out what I'm wearing and things. Does anybody have any ideas for things to do with your parents and a friend when they're visiting you? Things that aren't just the beach and disneyland, I mean. Those are fun but...you know. They can get old.

I should go, but I'm welcome to ideas!




Euro 2012 is not only destroying all my feelings, but my sleep schedule as well.

I don't care what anyone says, being in a pub at 9:30am for a match is bizarre.




Hullo, I'm Romany.

Because it's the sisterly thing to do. My brother in a skirt.

Read more... )


Crap. I've thrown my back out. As much as I hate to do this (and I really, really do), it looks like I'm going to have to hire some help around here at the Warehouse. You must meet the following qualifications:

•Not an idiot or a klutz or, god forbid, an idiot klutz.
•Able to lift heavy objects and place them on shelves.
•Know how to work a cash register and make change.
•Have an attention to detail and know how to use a card filing system.
•Be over 18.

If you're interested, please fax your resume to [phone number], or email it to [email address]. If I think you meet the basic qualifications, I'll call you to set up an interview. Please, don't call me. Unlike most employers, the nagging to read your application just irritates me and might just make me "lose" your application.

Thank you.




Oh right, Father's Day. Who wants to be my baby daddy? You could celebrate this holiday by next year, wouldn't that be fucking awesome?

I made it home, for anyone who gave a shit.



An Open Letter to the People Squatting in my Apartment

I would like to inform you that the bedroom isn't so far away from the kitchen that I can't smell food when it's making a mess all over mycooking.

When I can smell, anyway.

A girl can't survive on apple juice and tv, where the hell was MY food all day?

It's really boring in here, if you're going to fight you could at least give me some popcorn and then have it out in front of me.

Also, why do I feel like somehow things in my house are subtly out of place?