
May 21st, 2012



When the weekend's over, I can't wait to go back to work. And when the week is over, I can't wait for the weekend!




Reply to this if you've ever spent time in a hospital for mental issues. I'm starting a club. Nutters only may apply. We'll have weekly meetings with tea and cake, as long as we leave a space for my ghost.





I need to find a Baggins.




I am home, finally. I had expected to be home last week but a few things came up that kept me longer than I had hoped for.

Leia, Han this means we must have lunch as soon as possible.




Has anyone run across a teenage girl? She seemed like a runaway and there were men after her. I'm starting to enjoy beating up jerks




So, I called the mole lady Nurse Hatchet, and she's surprisingly upset with me. Since my girlfriend's downstairs working (my girlfriend is awesome by the way, seriously, yours isn't as good, just accept it) I've got to come up with a way to pass the time, since now Hatchet is glaring at me and won't talk to me.

SO. Uncle Tony is going to help you fuckers out. Sounds great, right?

Treat this like an advice column. Ask me a question, and I'll try to help you through your life's problems and bullshit like that.

And I swear to God, if someone sends me strippers again I'm going to return the favor. With a male stripper.

A bear stripper. An old bear stripper. Unless you're into that kind of thing, which is okay, not judging, but then you get like, an old lady. I don't know, just don't send strippers seriously.




Think I might be dying of boredom. Guess that's what happens when there's an overpopulation of agents in an area.




Something arrives for Tony Stark, unannounced. How the delivery person got in or out without being seen remains to be seen. But there it is.

A hat as promised )



[Locked to Emma Frost]

Would you like to join me at the beach this weekend? You could work on your tan.


Rogers and Barnes wouldn't stop harassing me until I checked this thing out.

Name's Tyrael.




Things just keep getting weirder and weirder.


So. Archer fellow that I met at darts. Clint, I believe? If you're up for having a laugh at a novice's expense, I'm game for making a fool of myself in public. I think I'd like to try my hand at a larger target.

I may have set up my first date in ...longer than I care to admit.

And I'm both excited and a nervous wreck. If I could sleep like a normal human being, that would be grand.