
April 18th, 2012




I must buy this! MLP plus science!


I like MLP. What of it >.>

Why can't I filter that?!



What's been going on with me...

I wasn't very open about it while it was happening--and I'm not going to start now--but I had a bit of a health scare recently. And, without going into it, it turns out I'm okay. At least as far as my physical health goes. What happened remains a mystery, but as it appears to be a one-time kind of thing, it's a mystery I guess I can live with. I'll just add it too that list of mine...

So, put that in the positive column. (I guess.) Decidedly in the negative column is that yesterday I went to pick up the motorcycle I purchased, only to discover that a friend (who owned the shop) had left town. At least, I considered her a friend. I even purchased something for her from Disneyland. I guess I'll keep it for her, if she ever returns.

I've felt listless ever since. My mind's racing, which is something I've never really known how to deal with--other than drinking it away. This time it didn't help. Woke up feeling much worse.
Maybe I...
I don't know. I just feel very sad about it.




The contractor who had hired me injured his back. For legal reasons, I'm not allowed to go into details. But suffice to say, I'm out of work at the moment. If anyone needs anything done and is looking for a handyman, you can reach me here.




I forgot I had this. I made it once upon a time for a church project and when the project was done I let this collect dust. Obviously a website can't I have a bit of extra time these days and there's nothing wrong with a little networking and spreading the word, so I may as well introduce myself.

My name is Caprica Six. Yes, that is a strange name, but nearly everyone in my family is named after a constellation or an astrological sign so it never seemed that uncommon to me. I work at the Black's church in Costa Mesa, the one you see on television? I'm a producer there. I love my job, my family and the one true God. There's not much else to say.




Uhura, what are the chances of you grabbing dinner with me?

Feel free to be brutally honest. I've perfected puppy eyes for just these occasions.




I have the most serious case of verbal vomit today. I can't seem to censor myself. I think it and it comes right out of my mouth. I've already nearly been kicked out of my Lit class for telling the teacher her ass looks big today and then I got into a fight at the cafeteria because some bitch was talking smack about my man. I'm pretty sure I won though. Maybe. Ouch.



[Text to Dad]





Seems my unusual day wasn't the unique experience I thought it was.


You know, Bucky, I'm really glad you moved down. It'll be just like old times - only with less of you having to pull me out of dumpsters.