
April 3rd, 2012



Filtered to Ben Linus

You're serious about this, aren't you?




I'm at the two month mark. My doctor says that in about a month's time I'll need to start thinking about taking time off of work, but we'll see. It's been a ridiculously healthy pregnancy so far. I guess it helps that I'm neurotic about that kind of thing.

Work has been ridiculously busy lately There's been a strange influx of and I'm working on a paper of my own. I'd hate to have to leave in the middle of all that.




Right. So.

Hello there. I'm Rory. Pleasure to meet you all, and such.




I've had this journal since Sunday and I haven't even said hi with it until now? HELLO, Megan! You can't make any friends unless you actually start looking for them, right? So my name's Megan and I'm new in town and this place looks really fun.

I started school here yesterday and it was kind of weird, but kind of exciting too. I've never been IN a school with boys before and I got to go shopping and pick out clothes that don't look like everybody else's and are really cute, and I can wear them there. That...hasn't really been a thing so far.

Everybody's been pretty much supernice in classes and things but there's a big difference between people just being nice and people that you hang out with when you don't HAVE to be there, so, well, where does everybody here hang out? I don't have a car or anything yet, but I can probably get rides if cool people are going be there and my Uncle John doesn't mind taking me.

And last? I see everybody here likes cats. I found this the day and I really want to share it with you right now...

Read more... )

I can't quit watching it you, you guys. It's way too funny and adorable.

And I should really be finishing my homework I put off all night...